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Questions tagged [out-gridview]

Out-GridView PowerShell cmdlet sends the output from a command to a grid view window where the output is displayed in an interactive table.

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PowerShell Out-GridView result

I would like to have a column with the name of the specifics group like ABC_* for each user in the result of Out-GridView. Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like 'ABC_*'} | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive | ...
FredBzf's user avatar
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Select and connect network printer

How do I select printer from printserver and connect it? What is the right way to do that? This code works but how to write better code without creating temporary variable $x ? $x = Get-Printer -...
user2978216's user avatar
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How to Include All Properties in GridView Even if They're Absent in Some Objects?

I'm using PowerShell to parse XML content and display the results in a grid view. Here's the code I'm using: $content = @" <root> <obj> <name>John</name> ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
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Powershell not prompting for additional input after Out-GridView has been selected

Below the Get-ADUser, $NewPassword, Set-ADAccountPassword are not working or not even prompting after making a selection in the gridview. Import-Module ActiveDirectory $x = Read-Host -Prompt "...
Vincent's user avatar
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Incorrect Out-GridView

I am trying to design a GUI for Powershell that will allow me to search a CSV log file based on the criteria that I set. I have the following code that works when I run the code only from within ISE. ...
Dust Ellse's user avatar
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Out-gridview does not sorting results

I have a script that I am trying to collect drive letters from a list of servers (as well as used space and free space) and then gridview the results out. $servers = Get-Content "path.txt" ...
MjrPayne's user avatar
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How can I get the backed-up Database name?

I try to backup multiple SQL Server databases using this code: $date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmssfff" Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance localhost | Out-GridView -PassThru | Backup-...
Geri Reshef's user avatar
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How to Use -OutputMode Multiple PassThru

I keep getting an error when I run this code. It is from this website $file_dublicates | Out-GridView -Title "Select files" -OutputMode ...
PCTech's user avatar
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Powershell array in array to use in Out-GridView

I am trying to optimize how my logging file looks in an app I have developed. I'm currently using the following code: $pro_arry = @( "V 1.0 Initial Release 7 July 2022", "...
I am Jakoby's user avatar
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How to Out-Gridview multiple values to one key in Powershell?

I have a hashtable of IP connections that are associated to their Destination Prefixes. Here is the code to gather it all together: function Get-InterfaceRoutes { $interfaceIPs = Get-...
Nick Keele's user avatar
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Powershell: Out-GridView with List of User Profiles (Get-ChildItem -path \\$env:COMPUTERNAME\c$\users\) [duplicate]

Basic usage question: When I run Get-ChildItem -path \\$env:COMPUTERNAME\c$\users\ | Out-GridView -Title "Select from User Accounts" -PassThru all looks good, I get a nice pop-up dialog ...
Travis Bennett's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Powershell CSV Variable to Out-GridView

This is driving me nuts. I want to save CSV text to a string variable - NOT a file! I want to then output that (CSV) text to the Out-GridView using the commas as column separators. How do I do this? I ...
digitalbunny's user avatar
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Past only select fields to out-gridview

How can I past only a selection of fields from an object to show in out-gridview, but still keep the whole object as a result. For example, I retrieve an object that gives me: $listcreds = get-...
Gabrie's user avatar
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Out-Gridview quick filter searches not allowing spaces

I'm using Out-GridView for PowerShell. Everything seems to work out fine, with the notable exception that Quick Filter searches do not allow for spaces to be typed in between multiple words. ...
R. James's user avatar
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PowerShell Out-GridView

Using Out-GridView, how do you control what the column names are? I would like something meaningful for the column names instead of “string” - is this possible? [string] $colLabel = 'MyLabel' [string]...
ornerygoat's user avatar

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