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Questions tagged [partial-views]

User control in Asp.Net Web forms that is used for code re-usability. Partial views helps us to reduce code duplication . Reusable views like as Header and Footer views .

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Navigation to Index view using RedirectToAction does not work (C#)

While debugging the code, I see that the Edit action is performed, but the URL remains unchanged and there is no navigation to the new Index view. I also tried to handle the form submission via ...
Petar Pan's user avatar
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InvalidOperationException: The view 'AddValue' was not found. Partial View not found when submitting form data

I'm trying to insert data into two table from a single View Page. I've used two different view model to do that. So I have to make a partial view for inserting data in second table. Now full page is ...
Abdullah Al Mahmud Khan's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC alternative to partial view (I need to write JS/AJAX)

I'm new to ASP.NET and I'm developing a simple CRUD web. It consist of a Notes web where you can publish/edit/delete your own notes and see and like notes from other users. I have 2 views that share ...
apda's user avatar
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When i load my PartialView html using jquery, an controller that i didn't call is called with 0 value id parameter

I have this View Edit.cshtml @model ProdutoViewModel @{ Layout = "_Layout"; } <nav style="--bs-breadcrumb-divider: '>';" aria-label="breadcrumb" class="...
Samuel Oliveira's user avatar
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Partial View .Net MVC render javascript file

I have an error when loading a partial view in the following way, the problem is that when loading a second time the modal window tries to load the javascript file, therefore it gives an error in the ...
SSM's user avatar
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Sending Data To PartialView Which is Called From View

In View I am calling a Partial View like this. @foreach (var item in Model.OrderBy(x=>x.VariantName)) { <partial name="VariantsListItem" model="item" /> } The Problem ...
Mert's user avatar
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Return partial View if model state was not valid

I have a slider that has a registration form, I create the form as a partial View . this is the method of create registration form: Get method: public IActionResult CorporationRegisterRequest()...
Maryam12 forex's user avatar
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MVC Login form in all page i want using PartialView

i'm new in this world, so if I say bad things, psl tell me. I'm trying to run a simple partial login that I can call on any page I want i'm not using a /shared/_loginPartial because i didn't found ...
Faby_Faita's user avatar
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Binding Model data to form in ASP.NET MVC

How do I pre-populate data of a model to form I am getting data in model, I can see in quickwatch, but it's not populating in form. This is my model and view. I am also sending data from this model it'...
rohit's user avatar
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MVC - Html.DropdownListFor disappearing when selectpicker class is added to HTML attributes

Html.DropdownListFor disappearing when selectpicker class is added to HTML attributes, issue is only is particular partial view. same dropdown is working fine with select picker class added in a view. ...
Rahim M's user avatar
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Model is null while rendering view

I have a child view name UploadImage and parent view name CROCOnfig, when I access child view by using button in parent view,it works fine, but when I try to render child view in parent view,it throws ...
Musfirah Hamid's user avatar
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How to reference dropdown in MVC Application

Please assist, I am trying to reference dropdown that I've coded in controller and used viewBag to get it in the view, but now I need to reference the view in my JQuery function. Controller.cs // GET: ...
petrusottie's user avatar
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how to add partial hbs file inside master hbs file in sugarcrm

My goal is to show multiple pages like wizard inside a popup in sugarcrm . solution i seems is to added partial .hbs file inside master hbs file . i have gone through documentation https://support....
neeraj's user avatar
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Laravel trying to add custom css file inside a partial view with @include

In my Laravel project I want to that some of my partial views (like the header and footer partial views) to have their own CSS file but I just can't seem to figue out how to achieve that. I've read in ...
Daniel_Kamel's user avatar
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Passing model data to partial view

When I create a partial view, and i want to get some model data, i get this error: the partial view file is in Pages/Shared folder the error says that the name Model does not exist in the current ...
Badjem79's user avatar
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