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Questions tagged [phpstorm]

JetBrains PhpStorm is a commercial IDE for PHP built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA. PhpStorm provides an intelligent editor for PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript with refactoring and on-the-fly code analysis.

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Xdebug in remote PhpStorm doesn't work with project in Virtual Box by SSH

Host is Windows. In virtual machine - Ubuntu, and there is a PHP-project in Docker container, adapter is Bridge, access from host through IP In virtual machine project maps upon IP 172....
Pavel Sumarokov's user avatar
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Error while using PhpStorm's git terminal in one repo

I'm having a problem with my Git in PhpStorm in one repo that I can't use the PhpStorm terminal to interact with the local or BitBucket remote. The only way I'm able to use git is directly on the ...
McRui's user avatar
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Custom suggestions/completion in PHP function from JSON file in PhpStorm

I have a translate("") function and I want PhpStorm to start suggesting values from a JSON file when I start typing between the quotes. The idea is that I have a JSON file with translation ...
beeftony's user avatar
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How to make the tab group?

I am working on Android Studio and PhpStorm. I work with many features in the same project. Sometimes I must stop a current feature when the employer wants a feature that is urgent and some feature ...
Sittiphan Sittisak's user avatar
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Max File Size (php.ini) for Docker on Mac - Magento (markoshust)

I'm working with and trying to import a large mysql db sqldump - about 207MB. I need to modify the php.ini for max_file_size, but apparently, Docker "...
Mike L-SJC's user avatar
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PhpStorm 2023: How to disable all Git operations?

Working with PHP in PhpStorm 2023, from time to time I get messages that some git operation was run (I suppose by accidentally clicking some hot key). I search for some option to disable all git ...
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
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PhpStorm + Git + 3 VPS + many files sync

I have a project in PhpStorm. I have 3 VPS running (one for remote dev, one for local dev, another for production). There are over 30K files in a project it take hours to sync, mostly PHP hangs. So, ...
Maq's user avatar
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Use variable from "require()" function in PhpStorm [duplicate]

So, my problem isn't really a problem because the code is working even tho phpstorm doesn't seem to be happy with what I do. I'm working on a local project for a session based website and I'm using a ...
wh_yoshi's user avatar
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PhpStorm navigate to style in PUG

In my project I use PUG and SCSS. When clicking a class name in PUG file I expect PhpStorm navigate me to appropriate style definition in a SCSS file. For example, in code p.text-white-75.mb-4 ...
Alexey's user avatar
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In PhpStorm, is there a way to unsplit the terminal?

In PhpStorm, I like to split my terminal, but I can't figure out how to close split terminals. In VSCode, there is the 'kill terminal' menu option, but I don't see a similar option in PhpStorm. I am ...
Tommy's user avatar
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PhpStorm Array Shapes nested arrays in array

I wanted to add array shapes to an array in PhpStorm @var tag in property, but I can't seem to get it done. An array contains validating rules, where the key is the name of the attribute (string) and ...
LordF's user avatar
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How in phpstorm 2023 to show full path of the loaded project?

If there is a way in phpstorm 2023 to show full path of the loaded project ? Somethimes to need to upload difference versions of the the project in different phpstorm instances... Thanks in advance!
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
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How to properly config Docker to not require export PHP_IDE_CONFIG every time I debug

I'm trying to learn Laravel by putting my hands on a basic project from scratch. After some testing on other alternatives, I'm using this docker-nginx-php-laravel as a base platform. It works like a ...
Uriel's user avatar
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Is there a specific file extension type to save MongoDB queries equivalent to sql file extensions

Apologies if the title does not make sense, not too sure what's the best word to put it in just few words and hopefully this is also a good place to ask such question. Anyways, I am currently using ...
Dora's user avatar
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Cannot connect to specific port from docker container to host machine on macOS

I'm trying to connect from the docker container to the host machine's port and it doesn't want to work for the specific port (in my case 9003). On the host machine, I checked that the port is open: ...
Oleksandr Savchenko's user avatar
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PHP - PHPDoc typehint when trying to iterate over integer

I have this code /** @var array{total: integer, records: array} $response */ $response = $this->getResponse(); foreach($response['total'] as $value) { $this->saveRecord($value); } Shouldn'...
ononononon's user avatar
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PhpStorm. Failed to collect files. Could not resolve file "sftp://***"

I rent a server for a year now and do some minor projects/tests on it remotely with my friend. ~A month ago started encountering problem while trying to fetch new project in PhpStorm. I setup new SSH ...
instant's user avatar
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Why "Go to implementation(s)" shows also the intefrace file itself?

In phpStorm 2023.2 In laravel/php app I use DbRepositoryInterface class with different implementations, like : <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Library\Services\Interfaces\...
mstdmstd's user avatar
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How to run PHPStan in PhpStorm on Windows through WSL?

I run PhpStorm 2023.1 on Windows 11. On the Windows machine, I have an Ubuntu WSL enabled, so that I can develop a PHP project, which works fine. Now I wanted to enable PHPStan support yet I get the ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
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How can I resolve intermittent Xdebug connection losses in PhpStorm and Docker?

I'm running on a Mac in a docker (v4.9.1) container: PHP 7.2.34 Xdebug v2.6.1 PhpStorm 2023.2.3 I have a running debugging session. I step through the code. I go away from PhpStorm and leave the ...
Frank Mohaupt's user avatar
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How to ignore trailing space in search string entered into search input box?

Working in PhpStorm 2023.1 if there is way making search(in 1 file or in whole project) to ignore trailing space in search string entered into search input box ? Thanks in advance!
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
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How to tune valid indents with class and “make” method of FilamentPHP code?

Working with Laravel 10 / FilamentPHP 3 app in PhpStorm 2023.2.2. When I run "Reformat Code" command I want to have both class and make method at the same line, but with valid indents on ...
mstdmstd's user avatar
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PhpStorm align arguments of consecutive function calls

Is this possible? Currently: $foo->foobar($arg1, $arg2, $arg3); $foo->foobar($argument1, $argument2, $argument3) $foo->foobar($string1, $int1, $bool1) What I want is: $foo->foobar($arg1, ...
JAMMac's user avatar
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Long function warning in PhpStorm?

I would love PhpStorm to warn my team when the functions they create are too long (e.g. longer than 50 lines of code). How can I do it? I found an inspection called 'Overly long function', but it's ...
Lukasz Czerwinski's user avatar
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Why PhpStorm Built-in Server can understand URL rewrite rule but the others webserver can't

I convert the structure of old project into an MVC. New structure similar to Laravel with Router. An example: $router->add('admin/{controller}/{action}', ['namespace' => 'Admin']); When ...
caocon912's user avatar
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npm automatic versioning when committing through PhpStorm

I'm using PhpStorm to push projects to git and would like to automate the project versioning. After some googling around, I found about npm version and utilized that. But now having a bit of a problem....
Kristjan O.'s user avatar
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PHP Code completion with CompletionContributor

I am developing a plugin for PhpStorm, and I want to provide code completion when the user, for example, calls a method on a class like User::find(""). I want to suggest words which a define ...
Thebest's user avatar
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How to authenticate PhpStorm HTTP Client request to Magento 2 REST API?

I'm trying to emulate request for updating product information from third-party system to Magento 2 REST API using PhpStorm HTTP Client. Authentication type is Integration (oAuth). Are there any ...
Rail Akhmadullin's user avatar
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Show again "log format is not recognized" - PhpStorm

While opening a .log file with PhpStorm the message "log format is not recognized." or something similar appeared, with a link to open the log pattern setting. By mistake, I chose "hide ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Docker: PhpStorm Vue syntax highlighting goes away after a few seconds

I am having an issue with PhpStorm Vue syntax highlighting going away after a few seconds. I have already installed the Vue plugin for my IDE and have tried restarting PhpStorm, checking my Vue plugin ...
LaFllamme's user avatar
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