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Questions tagged [sass]

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions. This enables developers to write structured, manageable and reusable CSS. Sass is compiled into standard CSS. It is primarily a CSS pre-processor language that accepts both the CSS and its personalised syntax of writing visual design codes.

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Hide copy to clipboard button in markdown

I have a button copy to clipboard. All code boxes in markdown are displayed with the copy to clipboard button. But if I have a code box with text only, then the button is not needed. .text copy-code-...
Aaron's user avatar
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SVG Waves Not Adapting to Parent Container Size in HTML, SASS, and JS [closed]

I'm facing a problem while creating an interface using HTML, SCSS, and JS. I am a beginner in frontend development, and I designed an interface on Figma, drawing everything by hand. However, the SVG ...
Caíque B's user avatar
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about scss variable references?

I have three files: a.scss,b.scss,c.scss; The relationship between these three files: c @use b as * b @use a as * "a.scss" have variable color Can I reference "color" in a in c....
yu hao's user avatar
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Nav Bar Not Showing

Navbar.js import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import './navbar.scss'; import Logo from '../../image/Logo.png'; import Admin from '../../image/eye.png'; export default ...
Shayan Hore's user avatar
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Next JS 14 styles take 1s to load when using SCSS

I checked on the internet and all the solutions I found were when you use styled components. But I'm just using regular scss with .modules.scss files but it still taking 1s to load my styles. I sthere ...
Anomaly's user avatar
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multiple modifiers in BEM

I have component button <button type="button" className="button button_size_large button_color_primary button_type_fill"> <Icon className="button__icon" type=...
Garo Gabrielyan's user avatar
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Saving changes to .scss and .js project files doesn't trigger Parcel's HMR [duplicate]

I'm running a simple test project to learn bundling with Parcel. OS: Windows 11 Environment: WSL2 Text editor: VS Code Browser: Google Chrome This is the file structure I'm running with: /mnt/d/dev/...
echp's user avatar
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angular v17 esbuild sass url resolve

I have different base-href-s per localizations (/de; /en; /nl ...). In scss files I have background-image: url('assets/picture.png');, what cannot be resolved by builer. If I use path '/assets/...' ...
thelex's user avatar
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scss sass variable not working in file for background

$enable-grid-classes: false; $enable-cssgrid:true; $deepBlue: #032f3e; body { --bs-body-bg: orange ; } @import "[email protected]&...
cloudp7's user avatar
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can I set letter-spacing globally for an angular material project

Disclaimer: I'm not very good with Angular at all but am tasked with maintaining a leftover project. After an update from angular 13 to angular 18 (with the big hump being 14>15), I find a lot of ...
bluppfisk's user avatar
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How to make a condition in ExtJS7 theme depending on JS logic

I have hundreds of ExtJS theme (Classic toolkit) global variables placed in ./theme/sass/var/Component.scss Is there some way to create a condition depending on my JavaScript or Http query string ...
Sergey Bogdanov's user avatar
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Highlight.js: Can't get the styling added to my webpage

I'm trying to get a styled block of code on my website. Highlight.js seems to be what I'm looking for. However when I run my website it doesn't show the layout. What I've done so far: 1 install it by ...
user24127089's user avatar
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Setting a transparent background on bulma hero?

How to set the background colour of a hero element in Bulma to transparent? Version 1 of Bulma Set the $primary variable? This doesn't work. $primary: transparent; @use "../../../../libraries/...
Interlated's user avatar
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Angular/CSS: How to style a component based on a built-in component's styling?

I am developing an Angular table library, and I have several components that can be used in place of the standard td or th elements. Currently, I am applying a style that applies to multiple of these ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to overwrite SCSS module's variable with new value using previous/default value

I am trying to overwrite Bulma's $breakpoints variable by introducing another breakpoints. My issue is that I do not know how reference previous/default values defined by Bulma. My current attempt is: ...
Filip Jakab's user avatar

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