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Back button doesn't show in React Navigation 6.x with nested navigators

My React Native app has a root Stack Navigator with some screens and nested navigators: /* Root Stack Navigator */ const disableBackButtonOpts = { headerBackVisible: false, gestureEnabled: false } ...
steformicola's user avatar
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react-navigation installing caused build failed

After I install react-navigation and other dependencies, it keeps running into this error. I have tried to clean the cache and reinstall node modules and pods, but it still returns the same error. ...
Rita Z's user avatar
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headerTintColor ignored for back button in iOS15 (react-navigation v5)

The value headerTintColor for the back button is being ignored in iOS 15 and instead uses the system standard blue color. The Title and Header Right buttons still respect the value that I pass in. I ...'s user avatar
  • 13
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How to make react-native navigation screen fill up ios simulator screen

I have a problem with react native navigation screen Here is my problem picture: enter image description here As you can see the navigation screen is shown smaller than the simulator screen size. Here ...
Ryan's user avatar
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React Navigation: Use small header on iOS

I'm presenting a view with a header as card with ReactNavigation. The view looks fine on android but uses a large header on iOS which looks strange. How can I use the smaller header that iOS apps use? ...
arnoapp's user avatar
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How do I animate React Navigation transitions using createBottomTabNavigator?

I've spent the last day trying to find out how to implement a simple fade screen transition with react-navigation but I cannot find one way to make it work with a bottom-tab-navigator. Can someone ...
Pedro Sousa's user avatar
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React Navigation v6 stack navigator with headerLargeTitle collapsing too fast

In my app I am trying to use React Navigation's stack navigator with headerLargeTitle and headerTransparent enabled. My implementation looks like this: Navigator.tsx <HomeStack.Navigator ...
Bjarn Bronsveld's user avatar
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React Native functional components - Navigate between different screens, each on a separate .js file

In my functional-component-based React Native app, I want to navigate between different screens, each of which resides in a separate .js file. I want to be able to navigate multiple layers deep like ...
velkoon's user avatar
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Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory when I run react native IOS

I am building a simple react-navigation app. However, whenever I run the ios simulator, I am greeted with a white screen and an error in terminal: Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read ...
Vaibhav Herugu's user avatar
5 votes
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How should I structure a deep linking config object to work with these navigators?

Given the following navigator hierarchy, what is the correct way to structure the linking config object? As currently constructed, when trying to open 'myapp://bizpage/1', I get this error: The ...
AnthonyH's user avatar
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How do I put the Pulll to refresh indicator above the header in iOS?

On iOS apps when the header is big pull to refresh brings down even the header and shows the refresh icon above the header. The Refresh Control puts it relative to the FlatList so if I pull to ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar
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using safearealayoutguide or SafeAreaView on BottomTabNavigator to remove white space

I am working on an app and I am using createBottomTabNavigator to create my menu. this is what it looks like on ios 11 and more: I am trying to remove white spaces, I made another post which I have ...
S. N's user avatar
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Why doesn't react-navigation open the correct url from deeplink when the app is closed?

I have a deeplinking configuration setup to open a specific page when a URL is clicked on the device. This is working fine when the app is open in the background, but if the app is closed, it just ...
Jake Chambers's user avatar
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How to navigate from Native Controller to React-Native?

I am developing an app using Native & React-Native. I can easily Navigate from RN to Native via Bridge. But I stuck in navigating from Native to RN. I don't want to simply pop, I need to open a ...
Saurabh Singh Rathore's user avatar
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How can we wrap an entire react native application inside another react native application?

We have 2 independent react native applications, a parent and a child application. The requirement is to wrap the child app to be used inside the parent app. The child app should be accessible from ...
Elizabeth George's user avatar

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