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102 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Pull to dismiss React Navigation Modal

I am using gestureRespondeDistance: {vertical:Dimensions.get('window').height} on my mode modal screen in stackNavigator. The problem is that I have a ScrollView inside, so the swipe down to dismiss ...
DanielXander's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

how to use LinearGradient for react tab navigator tabs

I have a react tabnavigator which i used it from ReactNavigation(v2) component: const Tab = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({ Nearest: { screen: Nearest, navigationOptions: { tabBarLabel: ...
Iman Salehi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

React Native iPad split screen components

I want two screen components to be rendered side by side on iPad, just like below. Is there a way to achieve this using react-navigation. I don't want slide-over left drawer. I want layout like ...
Ashish's user avatar
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React Navigation Stack Navigator default shadow styling

I'm using React Navigation to construct a tab bar based type of an app in ReactNative. "react-native": "0.44.0", "react-navigation": "^1.0.0-beta.9", I've got the navigation part pinned down and ...
hdsenevi's user avatar
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5 votes
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React-Native Deeplinks with React-Navigation not working

I've been trying to set the deeplinks for my app, via react-navigation (v5) so I followed their instructions. I've edited my app delegate to include the package I need and the deeplinking/ universal ...
verybaddeveloper's user avatar
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Is there a way to await in getStateFromPath in react-navigation?

I'm using a custom getStateFromPath function to resolve my paths to a state, though to resolve some of the path routes, I need to make an api request to a router endpoint. Is there any way I can ...
mesh00's user avatar
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React Navigation Animated Header in Mobile

I've a layout having a Header (React navigation) which is transparent and a ScrollView which contains a banner and other items. What I want to achieve is: FIRST) To animate the header color on scroll ...
TalESid's user avatar
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react-navigation is working on iOS simulator but facing navigation problem on iOS real device

react - navigation is working for both iOS and android emulator and android real device but not working for iOS real device I am using stack navigator, inside stack navigator using drawer navigator ...
Killerrr_anku's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Wrong NavigationBar position after modal dialog was shown while StatusBar is in "in call" mode

In my react-navigation driven app, I use a modal view to display some views. Inside this modal view controller, I also use react-native-image-picker to show a image picker. The problem: When the ...
Thomas Kekeisen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Problem during ReactNative project deployment for iOS

I'm developing a brand new iOS/Android app and I want to use a single code, so I decided to use ReactNative for my pourpouses, and I want to build myself the executable instead of using something like ...
Lubron's user avatar
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2 answers

React Navigation: How to put an iOS style dismissible bar on expo modal

I am trying to achieve a dismissible bar for my modal. Something like in this image: What i am at right now code: <RootStack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: "modal", ...
agoumi's user avatar
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Back button doesn't show in React Navigation 6.x with nested navigators

My React Native app has a root Stack Navigator with some screens and nested navigators: /* Root Stack Navigator */ const disableBackButtonOpts = { headerBackVisible: false, gestureEnabled: false } ...
steformicola's user avatar
3 votes
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Why doesn't react-navigation open the correct url from deeplink when the app is closed?

I have a deeplinking configuration setup to open a specific page when a URL is clicked on the device. This is working fine when the app is open in the background, but if the app is closed, it just ...
Jake Chambers's user avatar
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How to make the React Native app to ask if I want to save username and password? (iOS 11+)

Based on this excellent question and answer, I tried to implement autofill function in my app. While the username and password sections can be auto-filled (i.e, Above the keyboard, there is a password ...
James Yoo's user avatar
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How can add shadow of tab bar in react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs?

I am using react-navigation & react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs in react-native to create bottom tab-bar. And I am trying to add shadow effect for bottom tab bar. My Code for generating ...
Shu.T's user avatar
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