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react-navigation navigate function causing unhandled exception 'RCTComponentViewRegistry: Attempt to query unregistered component

I am receiving an event from a react native webview and in that event attempting to navigate to a different stack. However the app crashes every time with the following *** Terminating app due to ...
Mingo's user avatar
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React Native Expo background not covering iPhone notch

I am using React Native with Expo, and I am currently testing out gradients and trying to set the background color. I came across this bug where the notch of the device I am using (iPhone 13) is not ...
Ciremal's user avatar
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Expo Router - Transition back to screen with large title header is inconsistent with native behavior

I am trying to replicate the animation of the Contacts app on iOS, with a root screen with a large title header. Using Expo Router, when I go back to the root screen, the animation goes back as if the ...
nzapponi's user avatar
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React Navigation Material Top Tabs Navigator conditional rendering blank screen on iOS

I'm experiencing this issue with my Expo React Native app on iOS only where a blank screen is displayed after swapping the Login screen with the Main screen based on simple component state change, e.g....
nvbach91's user avatar
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Expo routes does not support 'swipe back'?

I'm using Expo Router. Swipe to back does not work when using Link. Is this intentional in Expo Router? Reproducible & minimal codes is here: Press ...
n8o's user avatar
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Why navigation back close expo go IOS?

When I click on the button "Back" in the header or on the button "go home" in the details page my app close. So Why? But with the help of swipe I can return back. app.jsx file - ...
Mykola Berezhniuk's user avatar
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React-Native Modal behaving differently in iOS vs Android

In my react-native app the modal opens up only in few screens in iOS but all the necessary screens in Android. I have a navigator setup the following way import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Is it possible to have different splash screens between prod and dev in react native

I'm a beginner with React Native. I know maybe this is kinda foolish question but I'm not sure if it's possible to have different splash screens between prod and dev in react native. I tried to add ...
butterfly's user avatar
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React Native Tab Navigation Not Showing

import { View, Text } from 'react-native' import React from 'react' import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native' import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-...
Ronan Morgan's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem during ReactNative project deployment for iOS

I'm developing a brand new iOS/Android app and I want to use a single code, so I decided to use ReactNative for my pourpouses, and I want to build myself the executable instead of using something like ...
Lubron's user avatar
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react-navigation native-stack, how to change the modal height?

/* eslint-disable react/no-unstable-nested-components */ import React from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import PersonalNewSecurity from './screens/PersonalNewSecurity'; import Home ...
One's user avatar
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Expo Router v3 Tab Navigation with Stack, search, and large title

I'm trying to mimic the Apple Contacts navigation header with search with large title but only on the Home Screen. All other tabs should have their own settings, such as no different title or ...
TruMan1's user avatar
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Stale application instances lingering in Safari Develop Menu after popping out navigation screen

I have a react-native app running in my IOS simulator in which I am using react-navigation version 6. My home screen is called the myApps screen which lists several small applications that the user ...
Pankaj Badgujar's user avatar
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Header title and icons are misaligned on iOS after updating [email protected]?

my setup: expo SDK 48 (claims that it can only work with [email protected]) react-navigation/native 6.0.10 only iOS is affected find my full package.json and code if you like here: https://github....
tomwaitforitmy's user avatar
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React navigation headerRight not rendering

how can I render headerRight in React navigation? I have tried everything that is told in this tutorial: Still not working/rendering on the screen. ...
Zibal's user avatar
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Creating a list of items such that on pressing it navigates to a screen. The List can have Switch Icon which required different space management

I have a PageNavigator Component, using that data array I want to iterate overit to create a group list of componet that has arrow button and a text. But my requirement is this, there is a switch ...
kuch_v's user avatar
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React Native - IOS( Drawer partially opened on Login)

When I Login to the application drawer is partially opened, if I kill the app and reopen again drawer is fully closed. Not sure what is causing the issue. <Drawer.Navigator initialRouteName='...
Lelouch's user avatar
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React navigation native stack header title not auto hiding when using headerLargeTitle along with custom headerTitle component

My Code import * as React from 'react'; import {View, Text, StyleSheet, ScrollView} from 'react-native'; import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native'; import {...
Naveen Vignesh's user avatar
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Unable to Redirect Screen Following Deep Link Path on Receiving VoIP Notification When Device is Locked

I am currently working on implementing VoIP call functionality in my React Native app using the CallKeep SDK and React Native Deep linking. The deep linking part is handled using the linking object ...
Krinish Radadiya's user avatar
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How to use a SectionList with a large header title in React Native and React Navigation

In iOS, the Large Title Header animates with the ScrollView when the contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" prop is set. It's a nice touch and I want to replicate this with the sticky ...
jamesrogers93's user avatar
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react-native find screen the was idle to logout

I have tried panResponder to check the screen idle. but it doesn't work. i am not sure, what mistake i done. const timerId = useRef(false) const [timeForInactivityInSecond, ...
Sarathi Ashok's user avatar
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Why does React Native Stack Navigation not persist keyboard?

When I navigate back first time, keyboard persists, but if i abort back navigation and then do it, keyboard does not persist anymore. What's causing this weird behavior? Can I fix it? I can't even ...
beardeadclown's user avatar
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React Native Navigator HeaderBackButton "Label" prop not working

I am attempting to alter the functionality of the HeaderBackButton in navigator, and am doing the following inside of useEffect(), based on the documentation. navigation.setOptions({ headerLeft: ()...
Gavin Kasdorf's user avatar
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How to achieve 3d touch (peek and pop) in react native

how can I implement this functionality in my react-native app? Is react-navigation provide this by default? here are some related links:
Mitesh K's user avatar
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How set in the option the equal right padding or margin in the header for IOS and Android in React Navigation?

I should implement an equal gap for both sides and both platforms IOS and Android. For the right side, I did this with help of a minus margin, positive padding, and Platform. <Stack.Navigator ...
Oleg Zinchenko's user avatar
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While using a custom header with react navigation for a react native app, I can't identify where this background is coming from?

I am using the default stack from react navigation, and in my navigator screen options I have my own custom header header: (props) => <Header props={props} />. In my screen, I have a ...
ozdv's user avatar
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OS killing the app when it going to background

I'm develop application on React native and have an unexpected behavior. When I minimize the app OS kill it, so when I come back to the app it start loads again. I just want to keep using app from the ...
Anton Karatkevich's user avatar
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Unable to resolve "./SafeAreaProviderCompat" from "node_modules/@react-navigation/bottom-tabs/src/views/BottomTabView.tsx"

I'm building an expo react native app (sdk 46.0) and when loading the app I am confronted with the error in the title. How can I fix it?
David Guri's user avatar
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React Navigation presentation modal - disable parent screen from scaling down (iOS)

I am trying to make a bottom modal that slides up from bottom, has a transparent background, and can be swiped down (exact same as Instagram's various bottom modals). I can almost achieve this with: &...
TrevPennington's user avatar
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Is there a way to await in getStateFromPath in react-navigation?

I'm using a custom getStateFromPath function to resolve my paths to a state, though to resolve some of the path routes, I need to make an api request to a router endpoint. Is there any way I can ...
mesh00's user avatar
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React Navigation not working in phone in snack but working on web browser?

I am creating an app. Here it has 3 navigation setups, a drawer navigator, a stack navigator, & a bottom tab navigator. In snack if you go to the "web" tab it works perfectly. If you run ...
whitehatcoder's user avatar
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React Native Expo app crashes only (!) in Testflight, but not on Expo Development Server and only when navigating with certain params

I'm trying to create my first React Native App using Expo and am currently stuck at a problem that only occurs on the Apple Testflight App, not in normal development mode (when executing the app on ...
Janosch's user avatar
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react-navigation v4 TypeError: (0, _core.createNavigator) is not a function

I am trying to run a project with version 0.63.3 and these dependencies: "react-navigation": "^4.4.3", "react-navigation-drawer": "^1.4.0", "react-...
billysk's user avatar
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React Native - Unable to resolve module from @react-navigation. None of these files exist: node_modules/nanoid/non-secure/index.cjs

I have a React Native app that fails to build on both Android and iOS apps, (XCode, Android Studio, on a physical device). I have not changed anything inside package.json. The error is being caused by ...
mtracht's user avatar
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KeyboardAvoidingView not working on iOS with react navigation header and material bottom tabs?

Update for 2023 The bug is back. I reported it here. I tested all known fixes and they do not work currently. Follow these simple steps to reproduce: npx expo init <yourReproNameHere> `Use the &...
tomwaitforitmy's user avatar
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How to navigate back few screens in the stack in React Native?

Lets take following as my stack -Welcome -A -B -C -D -E I want to navigate back from E to C so that when user clicks on back button from the app they see B. For this I am using ...
Ahmed S. Durrani's user avatar
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React Navigation: How to put an iOS style dismissible bar on expo modal

I am trying to achieve a dismissible bar for my modal. Something like in this image: What i am at right now code: <RootStack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: "modal", ...
agoumi's user avatar
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Error rendering JW Player - should have parent view controller:<RNSScreen> but actual parent is:<UIViewController>

We have a problem with a React Native app throwing a parent view controller error with the component (React Native wrapper around the native ...
Cheyne's user avatar
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Status bar text is black after app go to background although 'light-content' is being used - iOS 15

I am having a weird bug. I am using react-native 0.61.5 and react-navigation 4.0.10. After my app goes to the background and the user enters it again, the status bar is not showing. I think that text ...
Alija Fajic's user avatar
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Invalid UIAccessibilitys 'tablist' error after installing react-native-vector-icons and running pod update on ios

I tried to install react-native-vector-icons and ran pod update and got the following error: now this pops up but I can build and run the app just fine. is this ok? and ...
yonatang0401's user avatar
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Custom Button in React Navigation Wix Bottom Tab

I'm using React Navigation Wix for my App and I want to achieve something similar to the below design (Attached image). Actually the problem with the wix is that we don't have the ability to customize ...
Reda Khalaf's user avatar
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React Native deep linking not working on React Navigation V6

When I configure my links and url-scheme with react navigation it falls into the fallback error. Don't know why. Sometimes when making changes it worked but then it didn't. I have followed some ...
Carlos Yanes's user avatar
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My Basic React Native App Keeps Breaking Due to Dependencies

I am coding a React Native app to teach myself the framework. The other day I created a small, relatively simple app. The app consisted of a Navigation Drawers linking 2 Screens. The Home Screen had a ...
Battlefront228's user avatar
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Remove Warning : [react-native-gesture-handler] Seems like you're using an old API with gesture components, check out new Gestures system

I'm creating a project to learn React Native. I'm using typescript on this project. I added react-navigation : To make react-navigation working, I had to do : yarn add @react-navigation/native yarn ...
Limitless's user avatar
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What is the best way to change the Status Bar color for all screens using nested navigation in React Native?

I am currently using Expo and React Navigation to toggle between Dark Theme and Light Theme for my app. The only issue is that I’m not able to change the status bar color on iOS based on the theme. I ...
branchal's user avatar
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Back button doesn't show in React Navigation 6.x with nested navigators

My React Native app has a root Stack Navigator with some screens and nested navigators: /* Root Stack Navigator */ const disableBackButtonOpts = { headerBackVisible: false, gestureEnabled: false } ...
steformicola's user avatar
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react-navigation installing caused build failed

After I install react-navigation and other dependencies, it keeps running into this error. I have tried to clean the cache and reinstall node modules and pods, but it still returns the same error. ...
Rita Z's user avatar
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headerTintColor ignored for back button in iOS15 (react-navigation v5)

The value headerTintColor for the back button is being ignored in iOS 15 and instead uses the system standard blue color. The Title and Header Right buttons still respect the value that I pass in. I ...'s user avatar
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How to make react-native navigation screen fill up ios simulator screen

I have a problem with react native navigation screen Here is my problem picture: enter image description here As you can see the navigation screen is shown smaller than the simulator screen size. Here ...
Ryan's user avatar
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React Navigation: Use small header on iOS

I'm presenting a view with a header as card with ReactNavigation. The view looks fine on android but uses a large header on iOS which looks strange. How can I use the smaller header that iOS apps use? ...
arnoapp's user avatar
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