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11 votes
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AMP style amp-custom returns empty on HTML; results in validation error

I'm using AMP on NextJs and am trying to insert in my head tag. I managed to get it into the head tag but the rendered html returns an empty <style amp-custom></style> and instead ...
claireckc's user avatar
  • 415
11 votes
4 answers

How to import .scss files anywhere in Next.js app?

I want to convert pure React app to NextJs app. In React app I'm importing .scss CSS files in multiple places of components. Once I move the code into Next.js environment it is showing error: Gobal ...
Shiva's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

How to get colspan=2 in grid css layout?

In my react component I am trying (first time) to use a css grid layout. The column should span 2 but it is only 1: < Value textAlign="right" gridCol={1} gridRow={index + 3} weight={'regular'}&...
bier hier's user avatar
  • 22.1k
10 votes
1 answer

React-Stripe-Elements element not rendering style as expected

I'm trying to setup React-Stripe-Elements and while I was able to get the basic form to render, it does so in a really funky looking way. I even tried to add CSS from a form I found online and it won'...
Dog's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Apply a class in a Framer Motion tag, animate or initial prop

How do I use a Framer Motion tag, and in the animate and initial props, Apply a class. Like so. <motion.div initial={{ className: 'hidden' }} animate={{ className: 'visible' }} > <div&...
Audad's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Next.js only loads global.css after manual page refresh. Another also existing styles.js is ignored

As of now the styling happens in two places: global.css + index.js via styled-components Problem After start or restart of local server + manual page refresh, all styles are applied as intended. Also ...
Josh's user avatar
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9 votes
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You forgot to add 'mini-css-extract-plugin' plugin

I'm using mini-css-extract-plugin in my webpack, version 1.3.6 but when trying to run dev build getting the below error. css and scss both are in the app. ERROR in ./src/index.css Module build failed (...
manisha_manoj's user avatar
9 votes
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React-beautiful-dnd: Prevent page from scrolling when draggable is being dragged near edge of page

I'm using react-beautiful-dnd in a project and when I'm dragging a draggable, the page auto scrolls if I drag it near the top, bottom or sides of the page. I could theoretically fix this problem by ...
Brownie Cart's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

ag-grid webpack css not making to the website

I am using ag-grid in my react app, cannot make the css work with webpack. grid is looking like this image: const path = require("path"); var webpack = require("webpack"); let HtmlWebpackPlugin = ...
johnny's user avatar
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9 votes
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Using mixins in material-ui to customize components in React

I am trying to customize a textfield component in Material-ui with React. According information from this page: To customize the colors of any part of the text-field, use the following mixins. We ...
Dawn17's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

In MUI v5, how do you debug/find a specific element/style/class in the dev tools DOM?

In MUI v4, it's very easy to inspect the DOM and isolate the exact component file and style block within that file: MUI v4 way of finding a specific element/style class However, in MUI v5, this is not ...
ReactDev's user avatar
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8 votes
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Change Color flowbite-react Tabs Component (Next js)

Hi can anyone help me on how to change the color of tabs in flowbite-react component, I'm using Next js. I already setup as per doc here Also I ...
Muhammad Haekal's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to prevent nearby text selection when pressing and holding a button on mobile?

I have an application where a user needs to press and hold a button to record audio. However, when a user holds the button on mobile, the browser tries to select nearby text (since the user is holding ...
Jordan Lewallen's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Not able to import css files in react

In App.js I wanted to import App.css file or any css file. import './App.css' is not working here and giving error " ERROR in ./src/shared/App.css 1:0 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0) ...
Pooja Pandey's user avatar
8 votes
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How to get warnings on undefined CSS variables

Trying to use CSS variables for the first time. Doing it in a react (create-react-app) application, and works great. Only issue is that there's no warnings if I mistype a variable name or just simply ...
Svish's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Closing a react bootstrap modal with escape key

I have 6 buttons which, when clicked, activate a modal. This is written in React. //Since I have 6 different modals, giving each of them an id would distinguish them onCloseModal(id) { this....
patrickhuang94's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Slider does not work in react-slick with typescript

I am using the typescript version (@types/react-slick) of the react-slick library to implement carousel/slider in a Nextjs project. I am getting the following error after importing the Slider ...
Bello Shehu's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Open and Close Dropdown menu on by mouse hover in react js

I am new to React JS. My problem is that I want the menu to disappear if the mouse leaves that area, so I tried onMouseOut and onMouseLeave to close the menu but it seems that when this option is ...
Durai DD's user avatar
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7 votes
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ReactJS - Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive

I get the following error in the browser inspector (Chrome, Brave, Safari) when I load my ReactJS project in Production: Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content ...
Sergi Juanati's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

'outlined' not working in Material UI Select

I am implementing Material UI `Select' for which values are coming from backend. Below is my code <FormControl variant="outlined" className={classes.formControl}> <InputLabel ref={...
Lara's user avatar
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7 votes
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Importing CSS from node_modules with Parcel

I am currently migrating as React project built with Webpack into Parcel as an experiment to see what the hype is all about. The project uses Reactstrap, which has Bootstrap as a dependency. I have a ...
Vidya's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Bottom Fixed div getting pushed up with android keyboard

I have a fixed div at the bottom, but in response view, in android, it gets pushed up with the keyboard. const ContactBackgroundImage = styled.div` color: white padding: 50px height: 118px ...
Nick Bb's user avatar
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Compilation Failure when Making a Production Build with create-react-app v2

Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. Lexical error on line 1: Unrecognized text. Erroneous area: 1: $progress-size - 2 * $border-size ^..^ I encounter the above compilation ...
Khoa Nguyen's user avatar
7 votes
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Properly pushing a Canvas with Material UI Persistent Drawers

I have an application with two expandable toolbars. The left toolbar functions as intended, but I have not been able to make the right toolbar push the content properly. See the code below. I copied ...
Seth Duncan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Keeping sticky positioning behaviour when sticky elements are inside a container (because of React having to render a single parent element)

I have a top section above some main content. The top section comprises 5 parts: a 'main header', 3 'categories', and 'settings'. Given the user scrolls down the page, the 'main header' stays sticky ...
alanbuchanan's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Link stylesheet with media query to React component

In an html file it is possible to link stylesheets like this: <link rel="stylesheet" media="(min-width: 768px)" href="small.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" media="(min-width: 1150px)" ...
Sunny's user avatar
  • 155
7 votes
1 answer

Using css-loader inline with Webpack + React

I'm building my React app with Webpack, and css-loader w/modules. I love it. Most of my stylesheets are very small, though, and I'd like to inline them within the same JSX file as my markup and ...
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6 votes
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Virtual keyboard in Safari causes black space under app body and scrolling outside of it

I'm creating a chatbot app in React. It works fine on other browsers but on Safari whenever the virtual keyboard is open it causes the entire body to become draggable, the scrollbar extends way below ...
FlexboxFanatic's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

javascript - How to start update scroll percentage when element is on the top of viewport

When entering the website, this is the first UI you'll see. Then, if you scroll down to the very beginning of section B I expect the section B will become sticky and the currentPercentage state will ...
CCCC's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Make Tailwind Classes non-Global (automatically!)

I have an application made up of two parts: (A) legacy application (AngularJs) with its own CSS classes. (B) div containing a completely new application (React). B is built with webpack, postcss and ...
Domi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to split tailwind css generated code into different directories?

im new to tailwind-css and what i want to achieve is that lets say im using few classes of tailwindcss in component/index.js and i want to generate index.css file of tailwindcss in component directory ...
Syed Danish Ali Jr.'s user avatar
6 votes
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React native KeyboardAvoidingView and ScrollView won't marginTop auto

so I have this layout. I backgrounded in blue the scrollview so I could see how big it is in terms of height. my goal is to put this button at the end of the page. when the keyboard lifts up, it ...
nishi's user avatar
  • 532
6 votes
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Opacity transition affecting child with backdrop-filter

I am trying to run a transition when entering the viewport. I want the cards to simply opacity in... I have a proxy element inside my div with backdrop-filters applied to apply a "frosted glass&...
Aiden Barrett's user avatar
6 votes
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CSS Styling Pie Chart / Doughnut chart

I'm using Recharts to try to accomplish a doughnut chart with rounded segments, which should end by looking more or less like this: This is the closest I can achieve, but as you can see I'm running ...
Poro's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes
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CSS Modules in React - solutions to share reusable code

I am migrating global SASS in my project that was a mix of global scss and some sort of custom bootstrap-like framework into SCSS Modules. I have global styles reference everywhere in the app that ...
floroz's user avatar
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Split text across DIN A4 pages

I'm working on creating an editor using DIN A4 pages with specific text formatting using React. Right now, my content is handled by an editable div (with more divs nested inside it for formatting). ...
TemporaryName's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I prevent layouts from pushing up when soft keyboard is shown in mobile browsers?

I am trying to have a fixed image in the background that does not move when the soft keyboard is shown. Every time I trigger the soft keyboard, the whole image scrunches up. How do I prevent that ? ...
Sashank Tungaturthi's user avatar
6 votes
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Trying to switch focus to another input field but browser automatically focuses "first" input field in form (Safari only)

My React web app is forcing focus to the first input field in a form even if I actively change it with my mouse (I can switch input fields by tabbing though). So I've tried debugging just to find out ...
Andreas Mann's user avatar
6 votes
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Create React App creates *.chunk.css when I want them as inline style tag

I'm using CRA2 for building my project. There are some places with css import, like import 'common.css' or library csses, like import 'librabry/dist/lib.min.css' I want them to be included as ...
goldjunge's user avatar
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The CSS file loading issue in a mobile safari browser

I created the website by using reactJs, nodeJs (express server). Customers are happy and so on but ... there is the issue which is reproducible by a few customers (I can't reproduce it). It seems this ...
developer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Importing CSS variables into a Typescript file

We created a theme.css :root file with a number of commonly used variables to use across the various other .css files for our app. But some of our older code has a similar setup, but in a theme.ts ...
mdb's user avatar
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Building React component library: how to bundle css and other assets?

So my understanding is that when you are distributing a React component for others to use, you should ship the compiled version of it, rather than the source and expecting the end-user to deal with ...
Michael's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to wrap too long title in DropdownButton from react-bootstrap?

I have a dropdown button, however, its (dynamically changed) title may be too long to fit. Thus, I am wondering whether there is a way to automatically wrap the too long title to the 2nd line? <...
Brad 's user avatar
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How to set width and height to 100% with <AutoSizer>?

I following the example: demo, source code. they set width={width} and height={height}, if I do that I get nothing displayed... To display somehthing I need to set the height to something, for exaple ...
Isak La Fleur's user avatar
6 votes
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Semantic UI Vertical Align Icon and Menu

I am currently trying to align a Icon and a text in a Menu.Item with Semantic UI React V.0.68.2. Currently my HTML output looks like this: <a class="active item pointer"> <i aria-hidden=...
grahan's user avatar
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6 votes
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Which is the easiest way to inject markup into an iframe with react?

I'm using react to build an app that will allow the end user to enter their own html/css and I wanted to isolate their code from the main app via an iframe (yes i know saving markup to the database is ...
zero's user avatar
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5 votes
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Tailwind Inline color decorators are not working with CSS variables

I am using Tailwind CSS with CSS variables for styling in my Next 13 project. What I noticed is that the color previewers/decorators that appear when you define a color are not appearing in my class ...
saimarshadd's user avatar
5 votes
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How to use the same background color as a Paper component in Material-UI (dark mode + elevation)

Issue I am trying to create a custom Tab component using the styled method and I want my custom Tab to use the same background as a Paper with an elevation of 1. I have an app that allows light and ...
Sereyn's user avatar
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why css is not work corectly on vite lib mode?

I want to create a new npm package and I have a problem with vite lib mode. I want my package to export some UI components that has some styles, project works fine on yarn dev but when I build it the ...
shayan's user avatar
  • 93
5 votes
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How to see the full css code in data-styled="active" on a react website

i went to this site which is a react website in there i tried to find the css file it showed me <style data-styled="active" data-styled-version="5.2.1"></style> how can ...
jackson hill's user avatar

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