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Should I do additional verification with react-google-recaptcha library?

I have implemented Google's ReCaptcha in React using the react-google-recaptcha library. I use the component like this: <ReCAPTCHA sitekey={captchaSiteKey} ref={captchaRef} ...
Kristina Krastanova's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v3 calling API continuously

As you can see in the Network Tab API keeps getting called. I am using react-google-recaptcha-v3 <GoogleReCaptchaProvider reCaptchaKey={CAPCHA_SITE_KEY as string} language="en&...
Salil Rajkarnikar's user avatar
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Next 14 with Google recaptcha v3 showing info box on all routes

I have problem with my project which is written in Next 14. I use npm library to have Google recaptcha on my contact site. There I have to use recaptcha ...
Notik's user avatar
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Firebase Authentication using Phone - Recaptcha Verification - React JS - Uncaught runtime errors - Web

I'm using Phone option of Firebase auth service. It requires recaptcha. I'm using invisible recaptcha. But facing some issue in it. When the recaptcha gets generated, after some time, it throws "...
Muhammad Mansha's user avatar
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Monkeypatch or nullify private function in React / JS library (_loadJS in firebase's auth module)

We've just been hit with a Google Chrome Web Store rejection, Violation: Including remotely hosted code in a Manifest V3 item. Violating content: Code snippet: static/background/index.js: https://...
seaders's user avatar
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Timeout error happens even though the react recaptcha isn't working

import React, { LegacyRef, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Button, Card, Col, Dropdown, Form, Modal, Row } from "react-bootstrap"; import Header from '../common/Header'; ...
shalitha anuradha's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v. 3 returning the same token on the second calls with different action

I'm using Google's reCAPTCHA v.3 in a React application and I've encountered an issue where window.grecaptcha.enterprise.execute(reCaptchaKey, { action }) returns the same token on the second call ...
Gleb_Sh's user avatar
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Weird issue happening with recaptcha on mobile web view (Updated in more detail)

I know styling for recaptcha is very restricted to prevent users from affecting its purpose, but my recaptcha has an issue. So I have the recaptcha widget in my web which looks like this: But when I ...
Calvin Lin's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v3 error: Invalid listener argument

Trying to implement reCAPTCHA programmatically in a MERN stack app with typescript, I get the error recaptchaUtils.ts:9 reCAPTCHA error: Error: Invalid listener argument at recaptcha__en.js:108:...
MrWhiteee's user avatar
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Google Recaptcha: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame

I have integrated google recaptcha in vite-react-ts app and created the build of that. const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = url; script.async = true; script.defer = true; ...
Kamran's user avatar
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reading 'appVerificationDisabledForTesting'

i am using latest version of firebase for OTP configuration, as a junior developer i am still learning and follow the instructions as per docs, how ever i am getting the error when i submit for the ...
Asfand Khan's user avatar
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Firebase: How do I deal with 'TypeError: authInternal._getRecaptchaConfig is not a function' when calling createUserWithEmailAndPassword

Like the title says. Im getting some kind of reCaptcha related error when trying to create a user. This is my first time using firebase so i might just be making a silly mistake. This is the code that ...
helplessCoder's user avatar
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React Google Recaptcha `executeRecaptcha` function always return `null` instead of returning token

I am using react-google-recaptcha-v3, but when I want to get the token from the executeRecaptcha function, the function always returns null instead of returning the token. Do you know what's wrong? ...
Medea's user avatar
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grecaptcha is not defined [REACT]

I'm doing a project in React with Typescript and I have the problem "Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined". I searched for alternative solutions but found nothing effective yet....
devvvvv's user avatar
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RecaptchaVerifier Cannot create property 'callback' on string 'recaptcha-container' - React

I have two apps that share the same firebase config. I successfully implemented signinwithphonenumber on one but I get the error on the other app: RecaptchaVerifier Cannot create property 'callback' ...
Martin's user avatar
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