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Questions tagged [recaptcha]

For questions about the reCAPTCHA service: Designed to protect against spam and abuse by blocking bots while allowing valid users access.

-6 votes
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I want to know how "2captcha""" works [closed]

I would like to know how to create a response for a captcha with authentication elsewhere, like "2captcha", from sitekey and adress. I read the recaptcha api but couldn't figure it out. I ...
yuukiasu's user avatar
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Bypass reCaptcha v2 with 2captcha API does not work in some website

I'm using this docs: for bypass recaptcha v2 // using System; using System.Linq; using TwoCaptcha.Captcha; ...
Tuấn Nguyễn Huy's user avatar
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Determine if reCaptcha V3 or V2 is used in any website

There are two types of reCAPTCHA, v2 and v3. I have a question about how to write an algorithm that can be run in the console of any website to precisely determine whether reCAPTCHA v2 or v3 is being ...
Michael Dzwinel's user avatar
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how do I add cookies to 2captcha?

Can anyone please give me a working example of adding cookies to the worker's browser in 2captcha? Please do not link a page as I have researched the entire internet but no valid working example. Not ...
Alexander Obidiegwu's user avatar
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2captcha keeps returning ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE Instagram

When I try to use 2captcha API for instagram after I login, it doesn't work. I supposed this was because the cookies and useragent weren't present. After all, it requires login to see the captcha. So ...
Alexander Obidiegwu's user avatar
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Angular reCaptcha V2 Token Testing

I'm new to Angular and I'm trying to get the reCaptcha token in a test. How can I emulate click on the re-capture 'I am not a robot box' or something similar and logging the token response in a test? ...
phebus's user avatar
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Getting null token from Recaptcha Enterprise score-based web keys

I've arranged a small Recaptcha Enterprise code snippet, however, I keep getting a null token constantly. It seems the promise function is executed before the actual token is retrieved, any ideas why? ...
andreszs's user avatar
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Getting Firebase: Error (auth/argument-error) when using RecaptchaVerifier on NextJS

Following is my code: const auth = getAuth(app) export default function LoginComponent() { useEffect(() => { if (!auth) { return; } console.log(auth); ...
Electric Dragon's user avatar
-1 votes
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google recaptcha with jquery validate issue [duplicate]

in this code when you click submit I get alert : Error then I get successfully recaptcha response that means the form submitted 2 time on one click the first get the error and reset,execute ...
Jimmy Jhon's user avatar
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Unable to get recapcha to work - error message is mostly of screen

Iam unable to get recaptcha to work. There is an error message displayed but it is mostly off screen to the bottom right. I have followed the setup instructions correctly and am working on an upgrade ...
user126707's user avatar
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Login persistent session with a reCAPTCHA

I need to book a day to go to a consulate but it is impossible to find a slot. The website requires login, a CSRF token and reCAPTCHA. Once logged in there are some forms that need to be sent, finally ...
guzassis's user avatar
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problems with invalid key type and understanding instructions

I am not an experienced programmer. I'm currently teaching myself at home. I find your instructions for recaptcha2 a bit complicated. I set up for recatcha2. When I am given the keys there are 2 ...
user126707's user avatar
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How to disable Recapcha in a hostinger hosted wesbite

I have a php website hosted on hostinger, everything was ok. But suddenly the users to verify that they are not a robot before entering. I did not add that or enable that myself. You can see the ...
Rawhani's user avatar
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Why is my recaptcha key type is invaalid?

Im trying to follow this tutorial: <html> <head> <title>reCAPTCHA demo: ...
John Smith's user avatar
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recaptcha wordpress elementor integration

I am seeing this error when I visit the reCAPTCHA admin page, "We detected that your site is verifying reCAPTCHA passed solutions less than 50% of the time. This could indicate a problem with ...
Imran Khan's user avatar
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Is there a way to increase the recapcha active time or have it remain active once the verification is done?

I have a form, I use recapcha v2 but let's say I send a large document and this causes my ajax request to take a while and I made a loader but after a while the recapcha is deactivated and if the form ...
Karla's user avatar
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recaptcha working locally but not on heroku

I have an app running in heroku to which I am trying to add a recaptcha v2 checkbox. This is working fine locally but as soon as I deploy it to heroku I get the error 'ERROR for site owner: Invalid ...
sobmortin354's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA Enterprise not working in ios project

I'm facing an issue running the project after install pod "RecaptchaEnterprise", "18.5.0". Please ses the screenshot and guide me how i can resolved this issue.
Faheem's user avatar
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Kentico 9 google recaptcha issue

While using google recaptcha in kentico 9 I am getting the below error in event log. But there is no such file in the the path given. In another server the captcha is sometimes working sometimes not. ...
Subeesh Balakrishnan's user avatar
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Trying to implement google captcha on microsoft exchange to prevent brute force

I'm trying to implement captcha on microsoft exchange, but they still brute forcing users, like they skip the captcha there. the recaptcha file that i created have this code <% @ Page AspCompat=...
MF0's user avatar
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How to implement the most basic use of Google reCaptcha v3

I am running a Wordpress site and want to protect a custom contact form with Googles reCaptcha v3. Sadly my code seems to be wrong and I couldnt find the problem, please help. This is my Form <?php ...
Felix's user avatar
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why would grecaptcha.ready(function()) suddenly be returning false?

I have been pulling my hair out trying to solve the riddle of why our booking page just stopped working. One issue was a code issue that I fixed. then there was a credit card issue with Google Maps ...
kittenofd00m's user avatar
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Error: [auth/missing-client-identifier] This request is missing a valid app identifier, Play Integrity checks, and reCAPTCHA checks were unsuccessful

We are migrating from Firebase Web SDK to react native Firebase. The phone auth was working well with the Web SDK, however after migrating to react native Firebase we are facing this frustrating issue....
Specter123's user avatar
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Error Warning: Prop `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` did not match. Server: "" Client: ""

I am using next.js 16 with App Router and I want to enable Google reCaptcha and it works as I have implemented it, but I receive this error: app-index.js:33 Warning: Prop `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` did ...
LupefiascoMosdef's user avatar
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Uncaught FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/argument-error). javas +html , recaptchaVerifier error with fairebase auth docs

this is my first question here =). I'm working on a web page with firebase and VScode editor .(self learning) every thing was ok until I paste auth code from firebase (from old namespaced API) to ...
Eman's user avatar
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After adding Google reCAPTCHA v3 to my wpcf7, page reloads and then shows the success message. How do i show the message like normal cf7 responce?

So i have forms made from wpcf7 plugin in my site. Now i have added Google reCAPTCHA v3 to one of my form and when i try to submit my form it reloads with and displays the ...
Himanshu Khanna's user avatar
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How to prevent Invisible reCAPTCHA v2 badge from stealing focus?

I'm trying to implement Invisible reCAPTCHA v2 on a site, and I've noticed that as soon as the badge renders on the page, it steals focus from whatever element had it before it appeared. It also ...
Peter Wood's user avatar
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Google Recaptcha block submit on Firefox 125.0.3 x64

After updating Firefox, Google ReCaptcha2 stopped working on my sites (I use the invisible version). Then I checked the version from the official website and it doesn’t work either. I read about self =...
Svartedauen's user avatar
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Which android applications use Google recaptcha to identify real users from bot

As stated in documentation - reCAPTCHA is a free service that uses an advanced risk analysis engine to protect your app from spam and other abusive actions. If the service suspects that the user ...
Pooja's user avatar
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I get "timeout-or-duplicate" error using Recaptcha V3 and success status as false

This is the code and its causing issue but I am not sure how , its failing the response. Can someone guide me whats wrong here. <script src="
Simmi's user avatar
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How to handle multiple recaptcha in ejs webpage

I having trouble if i having multiple recaptcha field on two different forms issue when i remove recaptcha div from one form the other is working perfectly but having two only takes the second form ...
Saksham Mathur's user avatar
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Invalid site key or not loaded in api.js, Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise

Everytime I tried to render the reCAPTCHA manually using the render function I get the following error Error: Invalid site key or not loaded in api.js: "6Lf....." It works fine doing it the ...
Art's user avatar
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Creating user with [email protected] with empty reCAPTCHA token

I am working on a flutter app with authentication feature with firebase as datasource. In my Creating user method, When the createUserWithEmailAndPassword method is invoked, the app freeze there. here ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Firebase Authentication Error: Missing Valid App Identifier

I'm encountering an issue with Firebase Authentication in my Android application. Whenever I attempt to verify a phone number using Firebase Authentication, I receive the following error message: This ...
Matheus SIlva's user avatar
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How to make recaptcha v2 square selection open on top of the recaptcha element?

On lower resolutions like mobile devices, the square selection opens left which makes it unusable and a bad user experience. I tried setting data-size to compact so the recaptcha doesn't go out of ...
Daniel Matute's user avatar
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Getting _grecapthca_cfg undefined in windo

I am using module federations in next js and wrapped the component from each module with google-recapthca provider, but on page change, i get _grecaptcha-cfg undefined, any solutions i tried wrapping ...
Namrata Maurya's user avatar
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Magento 2.3 Add captcha on CMS page using default captcha that we use in Contact us page

I'm trying to add a captcha to a custom form that I created in a CMS page in Magento. The captcha is working correctly on the default Contact Us page, but it's not refreshing every time on my custom ...
Galib's user avatar
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Cloudflare Turnstile Challenge Failed

In my implemetions of Cloudflare's Turnstile challenge via marsidev/react-turnstile, I have encountered a peculiar issue where, in invisible widget mode, occasionally the challenge fails and initiates ...
Jason's user avatar
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How to use ReCaptcha with Angular 17 with Standalone Components

I need to implement captcha to prevent spam atacks etc. But the more I search and trying to find something about how to do it in angular 17 (with standalone components) the more I feel like there's no ...
Newcomer's user avatar
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Google recaptcha and third party cookie deprecation

currently running into questionable behaviour with recaptcha and third party cookies. I'm using the chrome://flags -> "Test Third Party Cookie Phaseout" option to test against our site to ...
cempro's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA for a web-to-lead Salesforce

I wanted to create a reCAPTCHA for a web-to-lead form. When I attempt to create it through Google, I input for the domain. However, every time I run my code, I receive an error that ...
Zara Pejuhi's user avatar
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reCaptcha V2 Still getting spammed... GGRRRRR

I am having an issue with my reCaptcha v2 still allowing spam. I generally get about 1 a day up until a few days ago and just over this weekend I got 75 spam messages. I have gone through every post I ...
Zeeba's user avatar
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recaptcha__en.js: Uncaught TypeError: qF is not a function

I am recently facing problem with reCAPTCHA Enterprise. On every form where it is implemented i get this error: Uncaught TypeError: qF is not a function at recaptcha__en.js:601:176 at Array.&...
Miloš Đorić's user avatar
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Running Task.Factory.StartNew() results in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult] showing up on the returned view (ASP.NET MVC3)

Our goal is to get Google Recaptcha V3 working on a single form on an MVC3 .NET4.5 project. However, I'm struggling to make this work due to the async request to Google for the Recaptcha score. FE is ...
DayByDay's user avatar
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Nodriver click captcha box

I'm trying to click the Captcha box witihin nodriver in Python, At the moment nodriver is unable to locate the chekbox anchor element, but is able to locate the iframe, which makes me think, maybe I ...
yarin Cohen's user avatar
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Recaptcha not displaying after March 28th update (from Nate Dudley Original Poster)

Recaptcha had an update on March 28, 2024 and after the update console errors started appearing with this message: recaptcha__en.js:600 Uncaught TypeError: Ay is not a function Recently we identified ...
Diego Camilo Silva Tellez's user avatar
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How to resolve invalid package error when implementing recaptcha in flutttter?

I'm using the recaptcha_enterprise_flutter package - version 18.4.2. I want to implement recaptcha functionality in my application. I'm using the example repository on github. recaptcha-enterprise-...
E. Biagi's user avatar
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Google ReCaptcha Never Shows Puzzles [closed]

For our use-case, reCaptcha v3 or Enterprise does not work. We have been using Google ReCaptcha v2 for some time with the goal of preventing human users who are idle from using Auto Clickers / Macros ...
Ian McLoughlin's user avatar
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Failing Recaptcha V3

I'm looking for assistance on creating a failed test case for Google reCAPTCHA v3. I've attempted to do so using Selenium Python automation, but it seems to be bypassing the reCAPTCHA entirely. ...
mrrobot's user avatar
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Invisible ReCaptcha prompts image selection on every request

As the title says despite the fact that I am using ReCaptcha Enterprise invisible the image selection dialog pops up whenever grecaptcha.execute() method gets executed. I have checked recaptcha admin ...
user23745000's user avatar

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