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Questions tagged [refit]

Refit is a library heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, and it turns your REST API into a live interface.

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Send !DOCTYPE inside XML content using Refit

How could I be sure that every time Refit sends an API call to an endpoint the !DOCTYPE declaration is defined. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM "hello.dtd"&...
H. Pauwelyn's user avatar
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deserialization to class not working correctly

Trying to capture the Digicert Automation API with a Refit HttpClient Factory. When my interface method is declared to return a string Task<string> GetAgentList([Body] GetAgentListReq req); I ...
Ross Presser's user avatar
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Refit - FromForm / Multipart method not working with request object

I have a .NET 8 web API controller with the following endpoint method in it : [HttpPost()] [Route("someRoute")] [ProducesResponseType(typeof(SomeResponse), StatusCodes.Status200OK)] public ...
Martin's user avatar
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Refit - Deserialize response to supertype

This question does not necessarily relate to Refit itself but here we go. The built-in ApiResponse from Refit does not do exactly what I need. There seems to be no way of accessing the raw response ...
Martin's user avatar
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REFIT: Mix Post Workload Fields with Query String Params and Dynamic Header Items

Imagine I have a refit endpoint like this: [Post("/api/v2/steps")] Task CreateStep(CreateStepContext request); I want to have one single context type that I can mix all the data items that ...
Siavash Mortazavi's user avatar
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To Exclude Refit.dll from Test project Code Coverage on Azure Devops pipeline builds

I have Selenium based Automation project in .Net 6 that uses NUnit framework. The CI/CD pipeline is configured in Azure Devops to run Code Coverage check and we see the Code Coverage results including ...
Vegeta's user avatar
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C# console app, refit API Request failed: Response status code does not indicate success: 424 (Failed Dependency)

I have created a net8 console application project and am trying to query using the refit library. I'm using Refit 7.0.0. I don't know why this error occurs. I couldn't find anything about this error ...
Dmitro's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a concrete implementation, and Refit, to implement the same service in a Blazor Web App?

I'm building a Blazor Web App. I have identified that some pages and components need access to some external data, and I have defined an interface that allows them to access these data. public ...
Daniel Arkley's user avatar
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HTTP connection failure when calling local API from .Net MAUI view

When calling my locally hosted API from my android emulator's .NET MAUI app, I receive an error message stating that the HTTP connection failed. I am able to successfully send requests to my local API ...
baxtr's user avatar
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Can not deserialize API response of type Results<TResult1,TResult2>

I have API with endpoint like public class SampleEndpoint: Endpoint<SampleEndpointQuery, Results<Ok<SampleResponse>, NotFound>> And everything works fine via swagger or Postman, but ...
H. Ivanov's user avatar
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Using Refit to add tokens in Blazor wasm

Unsure why this does not work: var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args); builder.Services.AddHttpClient("myApi").AddHttpMessageHandler<CustomAuthorizationMessageHandler&...
Larsi's user avatar
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How to pass path params using command in REFIT .NET

This is my refit interface public interface IRefitInterface { [Get("/v1/report/student-statement")] Task<GetStudentRecordResponse> GetStudentsRecordsAsync( ...
Hakuna's user avatar
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Refit Fails to Deserialize When Publishing .NET MAUI App to Android

I'm developing a .NET MAUI app that calls a web API using Refit. The app works as expected when running in an emulator or during debugging on my Samsung Galaxy S21. However, when I publish the app as ...
Matthias Fuglsang-Damgaard's user avatar
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Issue with Refit and Polly Configuration Retry

I'm encountering an issue with my Refit and Polly configuration for handling HTTP requests and retries. But it not working. Please assist me for this code Here's the relevant code: services....
Sabbir Islam Mukdo's user avatar
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How can one Dispose() a Refit connection made w/ RestService.For<IRestInterface>

I am creating an interface for a REST API using Refit as follows: var settingsXml = new RefitSettings { ContentSerializer = new XmlContentSerializer(new XmlContentSerializerSettings()) }; this.api ...
kenny's user avatar
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