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Questions tagged [rust]

Rust is a systems programming language without a garbage collector focused on three goals: safety, speed, and concurrency. Use this tag for questions about code written in Rust. Use an edition specific tag for questions that refer to code which requires a particular edition, like [rust-2018]. Use more specific tags for subtopics like [rust-cargo] and [rust-macros].

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required for `&str` to implement `ToSql<diesel::sql_types::Array<diesel::sql_types::Text>, Pg>`

I'm trying to build a Diesel query that will make the search Postgres field defined as a varchar array similar to this SELECT value FROM table WHERE ANY VALUE IN array_column = 'Carol'; But this ...
andrey.shedko's user avatar
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How can i render a svg-file in dioxus and interact with it?

I have a svg file and want to render it. Then i want to interact with it. Make certain elements invisible or clickable. #[component] fn SvgRender() -> Element { const svg_file: manganis::...
maja95's user avatar
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-1 votes
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ld: library 'ssl' not found on rust

I try to build in rust with diesel. When run cargo run An error occurs error: linking with `cc` failed: exit status: 1 | = note: env -u IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET -u TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET -...
iubns's user avatar
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How can I use imported memory in Rust code targeting `wasm32-unknown-unknown`?

I have the following Rust code: use wasmer::{ imports, AsStoreRef, Function, FunctionEnv, FunctionEnvMut, Instance, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Store, }; const WAT_CODE: &str = r#" (...
Archy's user avatar
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Serde doesn't see untagged enum variant in input ("data did not match any variant of untagged ...") [duplicate]

Using Serde, I want to parse JSON data like this: { "data_type": "uint8", "scales": [{ "encoding": "jpeg", "key": "4.0x4....
tomka's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Building binaries with qemu or cross building give different binaries [closed]

I've been building a tool written in Rust and I do the release builds with GitHub Action. Considering I want to release a version for linux amd64 and linux arm64, I need to cross build the binary or ...
Jeremie's user avatar
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strange qeustion about using vscode + wsl2 + codelldb to debug rust program [closed]

env: OS: windows11 22631.3880 vsocde 1.91.1 wsl2 Unable to debug program using automatically generated configuration by codelldb. The following is the config: "version": "0.2.0", ...
Next4's user avatar
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Execute function and continue control flow with Teloxide

I want to execute some code every time a message is received by my telegram bot and always pass the control to the next branch let handler = Update::filter_message() .branch( dptree::...
PrinceOfBorgo's user avatar
-1 votes
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POST handler doesnt get invoked when a POST request is sent

new to Rust, Actix and Diesel. I have been trying to implement a basic route and corresponding handlers to search, insert, delete users from table in Postgre. The GET requests works Ok and ...
RamP's user avatar
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Fill a matrix in parallel - how to convert `Vec<Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>>>` to Vec<Vec<_>>`

I'm learning Rust and just finished the Fearless Concurrency chapter in the Rust book, so am trying to fill up the rows of a matrix in parallel. My matrix is large, so I send a chunk of rows to each ...
Raf's user avatar
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What is a good way to keep the SQL queries in a Rust application that uses sqlx?

At the moment I have my SQL queries as a multiline string in my Rust files. let sql = r#" SELECT * FROM public.users ...
daniels's user avatar
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Reading a pdf in rust

I am trying to read a pdf document using lopdf crate. It is working fine in the rest of the cases but in few files, I am getting these logs as Unicode mismatch true mu "μ" Ok("µ") [...
Ansh Joshi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Question on borrowing in Rust with closures [duplicate]

I am trying a sample program in Rust to understand closures as follows. But I get in error for the line "After defining closure" below. let mut list = vec![1, 2, 3]; println!("...
Nagarjuna Reddy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Side effects of constructing an explicitly unused object

Say I have a struct that provides a method that does some work (has useful side effects) and then returns an instance of itself. Do I have to use that instance somehow in order to guarantee that the ...
gstukelj's user avatar
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Minimp3 Rust - "slice::get_unchecked_mut requires that the index is within the slice"

While developing an audio-centered application, I came across an issue with the minimp3/minimp3_fixed crate when using it to decode mp3 files. The error/output looks like this: Decoding MP3 File. ...
DischordDynne's user avatar

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