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How do I keep sticky buttons aligned to left and right inside a Scrollable Div?

I have a product page that is horizontally scrollable, I trying to keep the buttons to the right and left to scroll, however, I am not able to set the Top position to those. Here is the code <div ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Avoid url resolution in scss files in Angular

I did a css -> scss migration on an existing Angular project using schematics-scss-migrate. Everything works fine except the URL's, if any, in scss files. So I found out that in scss files the URL'...
Urooj's user avatar
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2 answers

Styles from an scss file are applied to an element, but not the child elements of it

This probably has something to do with Angular Material Chips, but I can't figure out how or why. The actual thing I'm trying to accomplish is different, but here's an illustration. Style gets applied ...
Kristaps Baumanis's user avatar
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How do I apply color to Angular mat-sidenav?

I'm starting to learn Angular and learned how to apply color to a toolbar component using the following code snippet: <mat-toolbar color="primary"> <span>My Application</span&...
Riquelmy Arcanjo de Araújo's user avatar
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angular v17 esbuild sass url resolve

I have different base-href-s per localizations (/de; /en; /nl ...). In scss files I have background-image: url('assets/picture.png');, what cannot be resolved by builer. If I use path '/assets/...' ...
thelex's user avatar
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can I set letter-spacing globally for an angular material project

Disclaimer: I'm not very good with Angular at all but am tasked with maintaining a leftover project. After an update from angular 13 to angular 18 (with the big hump being 14>15), I find a lot of ...
bluppfisk's user avatar
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Angular/CSS: How to style a component based on a built-in component's styling?

I am developing an Angular table library, and I have several components that can be used in place of the standard td or th elements. Currently, I am applying a style that applies to multiple of these ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why are Angular Material default styles loaded in such a way as to override custom themes?

I am trying to learn Angular Material, but I'm finding the documentation inaccurate or incomplete. Based on the documentation for version 17, my main toolbar should have a yellow background: styles....
Daniel Arant's user avatar
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PrimeNG Angular Table

I want to do some changes in my , like: Change the fontsize Change the button's collors and sizes Change the size of modal How can I do that? I'm currently using :host ::ng-deep to these elements ...
fabiobragato1's user avatar
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How could I profile a sass-loader compilation?

I'm using embedded-sass in an Angular custom webpack monorepo. One of my libraries with sass takes a significant amount of time just in sass-loader during the build and I'd like to figure out what I ...
Novaterata's user avatar
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Bootstrap error ??? $color: theme-color("primary") is not a color [duplicate]

ive been working on this project for a while now and everything has been working fine and then all the sudden i start getting this error. im not sure why its happening because i did not touch the ...
Vivian Nguyen's user avatar
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Error when upgrading the nebular version from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0

{ email: { service: NbDummyAuthStrategy, config: { delay: 3000, login: { rememberMe: true, }, }, }, } I have this settings in my nbDummyAuthProviders, but after upgrading I should change to but I am ...
Xxxxx's user avatar
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Angular Importing Sass File Does not Include its Styles

Running into a confusing issue. I have an angular component setup like this: @Component({ selector: '[my-tag]', // eslint-disable-line template: '<ng-content></ng-content>', ...
Tim's user avatar
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Misleading min-width and max-width of @media in scss

I am following this question to display 2 buttons horizontally and vertically based on Responsiveness of the Angular application. Previous Question .dialog-buttons-content { display: flex; justify-...
Ch.'s user avatar
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Angular modules are not taking global styles and scss variables

In my angular app i have src/styles.scss @import "./styles/fonts"; @import "./styles/variables.scss"; and in src/styls/variables.scss $color-brand-darker: #2d323e; $color-brand-...
Sunil Garg's user avatar
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