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Questions tagged [spring-batch]

Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive framework aimed at enabling the development of batch applications vital for the daily operations of enterprise systems. Batch applications in this context refers to automated offline systems targeted towards bulk data processing.

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Get the Previous Execution time of @Schedule job in springboot

I'm looking for an option to get the last execution time of @Scheduled task. so that I want to use it for retrieving the database records from the last execution time. Quartz dependency and store the ...
Karkala Srikanth's user avatar
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Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Parameter index out of range (2 > number of parameters, which is 1) in Spring Batch

Before posting the question - I went through below URLS, but it was clear enough to me Using SpringBatch JdbcCursorItemReader with List as NamedParameters How to set list of parameters on prepared ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Why is there no implementation of simpler data transfer between steps in Spring Batch?

I am only a beginner in batch data processing and am currently studying Spring Batch. There is a point that I don't quite understand yet. Why have so many different complex implementations of readers ...
Islam Khabibullin's user avatar
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Spring batch item reader to handle the chunk processing for rest api calls

I need some advice on how chunks based approach can be used on my ITEM READER. i have 200k and above records which i consume from an api. in this code if i put page size as 100 and chunk size as 100, ...
arshiya's user avatar
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Why I am getting this error? - SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings

Error :- SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/Users/rm694/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic/1.2.3/...
Roshan M's user avatar
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spring batch 5: how to NOT use the datasource?

I am migrating my spring boot spring batch application from spring batch 4.x to 5.1.1 (this is part of spring boot 2.7.18 to 3.2.4 migration). In our batch application we do not use any spring batch ...
Sachin Bisht's user avatar
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Error creating bean with name 'java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#67001148' defined in class path resource

I'm using Spring Batch XML appraoch - reading FlatFile having Date as a String values like Apr 1 2022 12:00:00:000AM, while reading looking to convert the date to yyyyMMdd format. I've gone through ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Spring Batch - read date field as a String in readers and convert it to other format

Before posting the question, I went through many links like: Using Spring Batch to parse date from file into LocalDateTime and Spring Batch - how to convert String from file to Date? etc but that ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Loading data from file to database, file has field which is primary key, how to implement hibernate bulk inserts. can't have auto generated Id

Entity looks like this. @Entity @Table(name = "TRANSACTION") @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class Transaction { @Id @Column(name = "ACCOUNT") private String ...
Ramesh N's user avatar
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Data Migration of multiple tables from one database to other using Spring Boot and Spring Batch

I want to migrate from one database to other using Spring Batch and Spring Boot. I have learnt that we have to declare @Bean for step, Job, JobLauncher, ItemWriter, ItemReader. But for those beans to ...
XPulse's user avatar
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Spring batch read completion indicator

Requirement: Read multiple parquet files from a location Find invalid records, store them in-memory and write them to a file at the end of the batch Writer writes valid data to the database Unsure ...
DS.Sun's user avatar
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Spring Batch - Using ClassifierCompositeItemWriter - how to avoid writting headers when file is empty (no data)

I went through Is there a way to override and not execute the headerCallBack in Spring Batch, but still not clear on the solution. I'm using Spring XML based approach in my project. I'm using ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Type Mismatch while using FlatFileItemReader BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper from String to Date

I am trying to batch process a file which has date field. Now when I fetch Date field using FlatFileItemReader it comes as a String. I am trying to map it to following entity @Entity @Data public ...
Gaurav Matta's user avatar
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Spring Batch - Using Custom Classifier how to create two more files

I'm using Spring Batch XML for my project and have below requirement to fullfill. My task is connect Sybase DB, read all records from the table Based on clientId (there are 10 different clientId), ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Spring Batch 5 and JDK17 Job Execution Context Dao Deserialize Error

While upgrading the SpringBatch to version 5 (with JDK17) the batch job runs are failing with deserialize error from the second execution onwards. We are using a custom serializer using XStream (1.4....
Balu R's user avatar
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