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Questions tagged [spring-messaging]

A Spring Framework module providing APIs and base classes for messaging.

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Can I send an email using SpringBoot without defining a bean and a configuration for it? [duplicate]

I tried sending normal emails without using a Configuration class, and it fails. Last time I did it, it used to work normally. Now it wouldn't send the message when the configuration is in the ...
MuhammedMurad97's user avatar
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How to handle and replace message from SubProtocolWebSocketHandler in Spring Stomp Web Socket

I am using WebClientSocket library from Arduino and connect with Spring Boot Web Socket. The issue occur when command send from microcontroller to web server socket. STOMP command has end of string ...
Mobile Dev's user avatar
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Spring does not deactivate Sockjs Heartbeats, which leads to double heartbeats, from Sockjs AND Stomp

I am right in the middle of a deep dive into how stomp and sockjs handle the provision of heartbeats. If I understand correct sockjs is responsible for the provision of heartbeats if .withSockJS() is ...
sciolism's user avatar
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Subscribers don't reconnect to the subscription when there is no traffic #2599

I am using StreamingPull mechanism to receive messages from the Pub/Sub. Here is only 2 overriding for default SubscriberFactory settings: @Bean public SubscriberFactory subscriberFactory( ...
Artem Sydorchuk's user avatar
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My subscriber receive a message from GCP subscription with exactly 60 seconds delay sometimes

I have an issue which happends periodically in my system, but causes major problems. We use GCP Pub/Sub and sometimes subscriber receives a message with exactly 1 minute delay. In these cases only the ...
Artem Sydorchuk's user avatar
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How to consume null payloads with spring-pulsar from Apache Pulsar topic?

Consider the code for consuming messages from Apache Pulsar that is set up with spring-pulsar: @PulsarListener( subscriptionName = "hello-pulsar-sub-2", topics = "#{...
Konrad's user avatar
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JmsListener listen generic container object

I'm doing an event based system which consists of multiple services that communicate via kind of domain events. All services are on spring boot 3.1.3 and send messages via activemq artemis. I've got ...
mr.nothing's user avatar
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English to Spanish translation not working in JSP file

I am using this code to read property <div class="form-group"> <label for="training" class="form-check-label mt-30"> ...
Ruchi's user avatar
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Integrating amqplib with React to Consume Real-Time Data from Spring Boot and RabbitMQ

In my project, I have a Spring Boot backend acting as a RabbitMQ producer and an exchange and a consumer. I'm developing a React client that needs to receive real-time data updates from the backend. ...
Aunkur Das's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Cannot resolve symbol 'QueueMessagingTemplate'

I'm currently working on library using spring boot 2.7. In the process of migrating to spring boot 3.1.4 I got an error on a class where: import
Hamza LAHLOU's user avatar
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How to use @SqsListener with multiple object types?

I am trying to migrate some application code from Spring Boot with rabbitmq to Spring Boot with SQS. I'd like my application to listen to a queue, but handle multiple object types, like this: @...
jndietz's user avatar
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How to implement thread efficient retries on async JmsOutboundGateway

In my case i use JmsOutboundGateway for mq connection - inputChannel is ExecutorChannel. Currently ServiceActivator don't have any output channel. Gateway interface method returns CompletableFuture ...
Luke's user avatar
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How to integrate stomp/websockets using spring boot messaging with Jetty 10?

Some backstory: I am working on a spring boot application which uses the spring-boot-starter-websocket library to update a frontend client with messages using STOMP. The setup is as per spring docs - ...
Jenny A-T's user avatar
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Track specific usages of Spring libraries in my app

Recently, the application we are supporting had just undergone Software Composition Analysis (SCA) scanning and there were some Spring libraries what were found to have vulnerabilities. The problem is,...
lecarpetron dookmarion's user avatar
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SqsListener Header take message body instead message attribute

I have code below to receive message and an attribute from the AWS SQS. The message body is as expected. However, the attribute "sourceId" is always taking the message body json as value. @...
Laodao's user avatar
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