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How to integrate stomp/websockets using spring boot messaging with Jetty 10?

Some backstory: I am working on a spring boot application which uses the spring-boot-starter-websocket library to update a frontend client with messages using STOMP. The setup is as per spring docs - ...
Jenny A-T's user avatar
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How to check TCP buffer size in Spring Websocket(Jetty)?

How will websocket works when websocket client is too slow? The above link is the problem I want to solve. My server will push a lot of data to client. So it is possible that client side consumes too ...
Jiansi W's user avatar
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Async support must be enabled on a servlet and for all filters involved in async request processing

I read enough questions with answers on stackoverflow and no one helped me. I tried to insert <async-supported> true</async-supported> everywhere but it doesn't help me, I also tried to ...
Юрий Кузнецов's user avatar
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Custom Jetty WebSocketPolicy with Spring Web Sockets and STOMP

I would like to customize the Jetty WebSocketPolicy when using Spring Web Sockets with STOMP. Here is my config class: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig ...
manash's user avatar
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Java Spring MVC + Jetty Websocket Incompatible Method Signatures

I am trying to implement's Spring's integration of websockets with Jetty. In the Spring docs it says that if we are using Jetty, we need to "supply a pre-configured Jetty WebSocketServerFactory ...
Solace's user avatar
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Switch Spring-Websocket to use compression

I am trying to enable Websocket-level compression. I have WebSocket configuration as shown below. I use "extends WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport" approach. I incorporated the recipe from ...
onkami's user avatar
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Spring Websocket Configuration: using WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport and WebSocketConfigurer together - how?

I am configuring currently my Spring Websocket using the class public class WebSocketConfig extends WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport now I came across the advice Spring STOMP Websockets:...
onkami's user avatar
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Make WebSocket sending non-blocking

Jetty uses org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.common.BlockingWriteCallback to send messages over websocket. If the client is "slow" then this blocking write may experience hangs (see e.g. here https://github....
onkami's user avatar
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Using PERMESSAGE_DEFLATE causing native memory leak in JETTY9.3.11

We are using jetty version 9.3.11 Version jetty container for deploying our application we are using tyrus client for connecting client to websocket server that we have deployed. when i connect ...
svs teja's user avatar
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Spring web-socket incompatible with jetty9.3

we are using spring websockets in our application.. Maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-websocket</artifactId> <...
svs teja's user avatar
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Adding web socket support to an existing Spring application

I'm working with a Spring 4 application (not Spring Boot, unfortunately) and I'm unable to get web sockets to work. There's a simple TextWebSocketHandler implementation that I register at /ws path, ...
Czyzby's user avatar
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jetty-9 all the threads in TIMED_WAITING(parking) state

I have an application which which is deployed on jetty server. Jetty standalone server has default configuration.Application contains spring based websocket. Clients connect to the server using web-...
svs teja's user avatar
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What are other WebsocketClient implementations in Spring?

I have a Spring application which is connecting to the websocket endpoint. For this I use Spring StandardWebSocketClient class. WebSocketClient transport = new StandardWebSocketClient(); ...
Mejmo's user avatar
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Jetty websocket client connect to Stomp.js topic channel

I have written a Spring Websocket server which is assessible from a browser via Stomp.js. I am now attempting to implement a Java client in order to connect my server to a secondary system. I am able ...
a.hrdie's user avatar
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Spring 4 Websockets java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I'm new to spring websocket and following this tutorial.enter link description here. But I'm getting always this exception when running on jetty. Exeception. 2014-11-20 17:56:51.978::WARN: Nested ...
dup135's user avatar
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