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4 votes
2 answers

Spring WebSockets - how to apply @DestinationVariable only to @SendTo annotation?

I'm trying to apply a destination variable to a method in my controller that handles incoming messages from WebSocket. Here's what I want to achieve: @Controller public class ...
pidabrow's user avatar
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Spring WebSocket - notifying subscribers is not working

I'm trying to get Spring Websockets (Spring 4) to work in the project that I've been working on. So far I have opening Websocket, adding subscribers and sending messages. Since yesterday I've been ...
pidabrow's user avatar
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Using Spring WebSocket's SimpMessagingTemplate with multi endpoint configuration

I'm using Spring 4.3.5 and WebSocket with SockJS, STOMP and SimpleBrokerMessageHandler. In my application I have three separate WebSocket endpoints running on a different address: /endPointA, /...
Kristoff's user avatar
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Getting a Failed to start bean 'subProtocolWebSocketHandler' exception while trying to implement websockets

I am going through the websockets with Spring 4 tutorial here. I have it working where the server responds when client calls. However, my use case is having the server push the messages without ...
An Illusion's user avatar
8 votes
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Use SimpMessagingTemplate without creating a web socket message broker Spring 4

Can I send a message to a message broker using SimpMessagingTemplate#convertAndSendToUser or SimpMessagingTemplate#convertAndSend methods without settings up a websocket message broker using @...
Susitha Ravinda Senarath's user avatar
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Basic Spring 4 Websocket application

I'm attempting to build a basic Hello World Spring websockets app however I can't seem to hit the WebSocket endpoint, what am I missing? I have added the TextWebSocketHandler, WebSocketConfigurer, ...
Continuity8's user avatar
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Spring 4 websocket without STOMP,socketjs

I am trying to test websocket without using socketjs library and also i don't want to add any stomp connection. I am following the example from stackoverflow question: WebSocket with Sockjs & ...
melihcoskun's user avatar
10 votes
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Stomp over websocket : The send buffer size exceeded the allowed limit

At client side I am using Stomp for websocket connection and server side I am using Spring 4 It client side I did configuration as var socket = new SockJS(urlBase + "/" + contextroot+'/hello'); ...
Deepak Mule's user avatar
16 votes
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Spring Stomp @SubscribeMapping("/user/...") with User Destination doesn't work

I need to react on a user destination subscription. Example: A user subscribes to /user/messages, because he wants to receive all incoming messages. Now I'd like to look up any messages for this ...
Benjamin M's user avatar
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no mapping found for /info Spring 4 websockets

In spring controllers if I use @MessageMapping it is working, but if I changed to @Requestmapping(value=="",method=RequestMethod.POST) and try to use SimpMessagingTemplate to send the messages to ...
Sravan Kumar's user avatar
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Spring 4 project not working after adding websocket handling xml

I have a spring4 webapp which works perfectly fine , but after adding spring websocktes configuration xml my app refused to map any http get request. Error message : Dispatcher servlet doesnt find any ...
Harish Singh Bisht's user avatar
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Spring 4 STOMP not sending queue-suffix in header on connect

I wrote a small project that uses Spring MVC 4 with Websockets and RabbitMQ as the broker. I am trying to send back to a single user (convertAndSendToUser) but I can't seem to have it working. Here is ...
user253530's user avatar
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How to send a STOMP message with Spring4 when controller is mapped

I have the following code... @Controller @RequestMapping("/stomp/**") public class StompController { @MessageMapping("/hello") @SendTo("/topic/greet") public Greeting greet(HelloMessage ...
Jackie's user avatar
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Push message from Java with Spring 4 WebSocket

I'd like to push messages from Java to WebSocket clients. I've successfully made a js client send to the server and receive a message back on 2 js clients, so the client side code works fine. My ...
James's user avatar
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Declare and use RabbitMQ with Spring 4 Websockets

in our current app, we are using Spring AMQP this way: <rabbit:connection-factory id="cachingConnectionFactory" username="${rabbitmq.connection.username}" ...
antacerod's user avatar
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