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Questions tagged [string-interning]

A string pool allows a runtime to save memory by preserving immutable strings in a pool, so that instances of common strings can be reused throughout the application instead of creating multiple instances of them.

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Why has the intern method changed in different versions?

String s1 = new String("1") + new String("1"); s1.intern(); String s2 = "11"; System.out.println(s1 == s2);//jdk6:false;jdk7:true;jdk8:true;jdk17:false The same code ...
王睿明's user avatar
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How do you use Python's string interning?

I was curious about the performance benefits on dictionary lookups when using Python's sys.intern. As a toy example to measure that, I implemented the following code snippets: Without interning: ...
Sergi's user avatar
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How does String Intern work ( C# vs Java )?

I know that the string interning optimization is in both C# and Java. When I try these two codes using Java: public static void main(String[] args) { char p[]={'h','e','e','l','l','l','l'}; // ...
f877576's user avatar
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Java String intern function and ==

Recently I'm learning Hotspot JVM. When learning the string constant pool and String intern function, I encountered a very weird situation. After browsing a lot of answers, I still can’t explain this ...
DracoYu's user avatar
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Python multiple strings point to same heap memory object if value have less than 4 DIFFERENT characters [duplicate]

in addition to the answers provided here For example : q = "asdasdasdsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsad" a = "asdasdasdsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsadsad" >>> a is q True even though ...
Spyros Kappalamda's user avatar
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Are Strings Interned When Used As Return Values in Switch Statements?

Say I write a switch statement where the return value is a string. Are the strings that this switch statements return interned (since they may be referenced many times)? Say we have an enumeration ...
Tea's user avatar
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Does python use interning on generator objects? Weird behaviour with (i for i in range(n)) [duplicate]

Why do these two loops not give the same result? (Yes, I know the second version is bad style. But I'd still expect it to give the same output.) gen1 = range(3) gen2 = range(3) print("First ...
Alexander Hanysz's user avatar
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How to create the str "1" at two different memory locations?

We are able to defeat the small integer intern in this way (a calculation allows us to avoid the caching layer): >>> n = 674039 >>> one1 = 1 >>> one2 = (n ** 9 + 1) % (n ** ...
wim's user avatar
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Javascript: Why does equality of strings take longer for longer strings?

In the following code, 1Mil strings of equal length get created. Then they are looped through to find a matching string. The first run has strings that are 3 times longer than the second run. The ...
user7858768's user avatar
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Why isn't `str(1) is '1'` `True` in Python? [closed]

I'm not asking about the difference between == and is operators! I am asking about interning or something..! In Python 3.9.1, >>> str(1) is '1' <stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is" ...
dkssud's user avatar
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x[0], y[0], z[0] has the same memory address in cpython, but why a is not?

(env) λ python Python 3.9.1 (tags/v3.9.1:1e5d33e, Dec 7 2020, 17:08:21) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" ...
Clarence's user avatar
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What is the best way to evict unused records from string pool?

I am implementing a cache in Golang. Let's say the cache could be implemented as sync.Map with integer key and value as a struct: type value struct { fileName string functionName string } ...
dhythhsba's user avatar
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Simplest way to defeat string interning in Python [duplicate]

I have a case where I would like to defeat string interning. Let's say the string I have is "foo bar". I know of a few hacky/not obvious ways to defeat interning a string. All involve ...
Intrastellar Explorer's user avatar
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Why a string is interned that is created via constructor and with a char[]?

I was sure that this would output false, but actually it outputs true: string foo = new string("foo".ToCharArray()); Console.WriteLine(string.IsInterned(foo) != null); // true I thought ...
Tim Schmelter's user avatar
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4 answers

How many Strings are getting created with the new operator [duplicate]

How many Strings are getting created with new operator. let say I am creating a string with new operator. String str = new String("Cat") Will it create 2 strings one in heap and other one ...
Sohail Ashraf's user avatar

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