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Update Form with 2 different source models, with 2 foreach

so, I have a form in which there is a dropdown with a data source from another model/table. to retrieve that data, I use foreach. there seems to be no problem during the insert process, but during the ...
Irfan Chaniago's user avatar
-3 votes
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I created another update route and function call update_mark, but when i click it always run to function update

This is my route' Route::post('/postponse_apps/update_mark',[PostponeApplicationsController::class,'update_mark']) ->name('update_mark'); Route::resource('/postponse_apps', ...
nguyen loan's user avatar
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Proc_open problem. How to publish flare config file

I have installed php script made in laravel for my web-site: and everything worked perfectly and today I got this error. The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available ...
Xcaos's user avatar
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I am getting this error while want to update in the database

Missing required parameter for [Route: blog.update] [URI: blog/{post}/update] [Missing parameter: post]. in routes : Route::put('/blog/{post}/update', [BlogController::class, 'update'])->name('blog....
Gyanaranjan Sahoo's user avatar
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Two duplicate rows | Laravel BUG

it is possible that there are two duplicate rows of my database, exactly identical. In the function I used for its creation I called once $ resource-> save () and a few times $ resource-> update ...
Vincenzo Locatelli's user avatar
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How to update and delete multiple images in laravel?

I want to update and delete multiple images on laravel, the old images will be automatically deleted from storage after the update. And when I click to delete all images and other data are deleted too ...
ken thoriqi's user avatar
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How to update image and delete image from two tables?

I have two tables image_rekap and rekaps how to update image and delete image. Controller: public function index(Request $request) { if($request->has('search')) { $data = rekap::where('...
ken thoriqi's user avatar
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Laravel best approach for Testing if a value will change

The code I have a database, which has a table for Teams and Instructors along the lines of: | id | team_id | instructor_id | ... | Every 24 hours a batch runs that updates the instructor for that ...
The Blind Hawk's user avatar
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Update default value

Good Morning Currently I am working on a job portal by the use of Laravel 8. The idea: I want to show the applicants the status of each job (they applied on). so for example: Engineer (as position) ...
Aly's user avatar
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After updating the user's email, send a message to reconfirm the email

When the user registers, an email will be sent to confirmation But how do I send a notification when a user updates their email? Like when he registers Use the link below to use Laravel's own ...
ahmadreza1383's user avatar
-1 votes
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laravel eloquent ORM update and delete

How to combine POST and UPDATE commands in one action in laravel 8 with ajax? I have one column "status" in another table that I need to update when I save the data. In this case basically I ...
Bumblebeen's user avatar
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how to update first row on button click

i want to update a first record status into '2' based on button click. Here is my code : public function repay(Request $request,$loanid){ $obj = DB::table('schdls') ->where('schdls....
Bayakaa Gungaajav's user avatar
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delete the previous file with newone on update in laravel

what happen to my update file? I can't update file in my program, what's wrong with my controller? edit.blade.php <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> {{ ...
Elnur Nitya's user avatar
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Laravel7, user's phone (unique) by update throw 'The phone has already been taken.'

In profile.blade, while updating the inputs in the profile getting Error The phone has already been taken. Controller: public function profileUpdate(Request $request) { $user = Auth::user(); $...
Yassin's user avatar
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Updating input field by leaving

Is it possible with Laravel livewire to change a field in the database when leaving the input field?
Markus May's user avatar
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Create new user in database but keep password if it exists in Laravel

I am wondering if the updateOrCreate method in Laravel has a way to skip some information in case the record exists in the database. For example, I wanna be able to search for users, and assign a ...
Tales's user avatar
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How do I solve the modal update issues in Laravel?

I have a modal in which I want to update my Question but the modal keeps updating the same question so can someone help me because my modal keeps taking the same $id even if I click on different ...
Georgio Bilani's user avatar
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Laravel astrotomic translatable update method

I tried to update a record with this code but no success, i have this error message ... this is probably not the right method public function update(Request $request, int $id) { // dd($id, $...
Arnauld's user avatar
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Laravel encrypt cannot encrypt to database when using Update method

Hi i want to encrypt some field in database when user create or edit data. IF create, the encryption work, but when user edit data, the value that save in database will be normal text not encrypted &...
Insko Malaysia's user avatar
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Laravel WhereIn() function is not array result when combine with update function

I'm so confused in here, when I wanna make my data to updating to new data the result is always to be one data and the result is not array, like this : when the query is not combine with update method ...
ProLuck's user avatar
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Change variable inside a session Laravel 7

i want to change the attribute "cantidad" inside my session('cart') through a post form which have a input type="num" that will have the quantity to change on the session. But i ...
Gustavo Adrian Galvan's user avatar
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PHP : update related id in laravel

I have this two models : first for categories which connected with courses in id: <?php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\...
SM_Berwari's user avatar
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Laravel update() method yielding 'x doesn't have a default value' error

I have a form which takes in the following values: stage_name, stage_type, 'client_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' I was able to create a method for adding a new item in the table, however in ...
Beginner_Hello's user avatar
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laravel 403This action is unauthorized

Can you helpe me? I can't update sql's tables. Laravel laravel 403This action is unauthorized. Last stable version laravel and php7.4 class UsersController extends Controller public function ...
hugo's user avatar
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Update single field in a Profile Update Form in Laravel 5

I am trying to update a single field in my user profile form section in the Laravel app. I can save fields correctly in DB but input values and placeholders are taking wrong values. In every hit Save,...
Nikolay Sabev's user avatar
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I am trying to update with multiple id's in laravel [duplicate]

Customer::where('id'=>[5,6,7])->update(['name' => "Ashutosh"]);
ashutosh singh's user avatar
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Laravel : How to update boolean value using foreign key in a table

here is my database table I want to work with I want to update the participation column of form_submissions table with boolean 1 by using the user_id here is mycontroller public function update($...
Kaveesha Pathirana's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I show the old value in option fields in Laravel?

I want to show the old select value in this select field when I want to edit. How can I show my old value in these fields? you can show my GitHub ...
Shakib Zaman's user avatar
-2 votes
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getting issue in update query in laravel

Guys i am facing an issue in laravel on update i want to update 2 values in single column but its update only one value i want to update both values please help also please see my code and image link ...
digi soft's user avatar
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how to add or edit gravitar within laravel

I know that we can user the gravitar in laravel for display pic but how can we add one if the new user doesn't have it or wish to update the current one from within the application? below article ...
princeoo7's user avatar
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Update Data from 3 or more table from another table (Laravel)?

i have 3 table relation category, subgroup, and k3s, i want dynamic update using select, but when i update category from subgroup, data on k3s cant update, i just want update module_id to table k3s ...
Vieri Lusen's user avatar
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How to load items in a multi select dropdown for update - Laravel

Using Laravel, I have created an updatable form. One of these fields is a multi-select dropdown. This field should display all locations linked to a given project. So the user can see which location ...
Nemo's user avatar
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INVALID CREDENTIALS error when trying to update Laravel/Nova via Composer to latest release

I have been trying for two days now to update Nova After getting the composer.json file correct to where the update process seems to be functioning, correctly I get an authentication error. ...
xarga's user avatar
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Difference between update and editing in controller - laravel

My table has the option edit. A row can be updated and saved to the database. While I was trying to implement this option I came across uncertainty. What do I have to do with the data from my edited ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Call to a member function save() on array - using laravel

I am trying to update my user info and i have make object of json currently my json have object of user profile and i want to save my info using the json object i have also my controller code where i ...
syed1234's user avatar
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Laravel update to 5.8, updating dependencies

I currently have laravel updated to 5.8 from 5.2. Through the process I have it working and displaying the site, but I don't have all of the 5.8 dependencies added in that would be there as if I ...
A. Dady's user avatar
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Undefined offset: 1 (summernote in laravel) when update

i have an update function, i want to update the content using summernote, but issue an Undefined offset error: 1 on line 67 .. please help me guys. Thank you guys foreach ($images as $k => $img) { ...
user8665248's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there any why in "Laravel" to update a newly added functionality?

I have a laravel setup on the server and another is on my dev server so is there any command or anyway like WordPress on single click it will update the files with newly added code. Can we do the same ...
Hanumant's user avatar
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How do I do updates for my laravel project?

What command can I use to see a list of all my installed packages and do the update ? (through the terminal)
Jennifer Vastmans's user avatar
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Automatic updates on laravel app

Is there a way to have wordpress like update system in my laravel app? I want to be able to provide my users with the ability to click a button and the app will automatically override all changed ...
Slaveworx's user avatar
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Updating a one to many relationship without the use of implode laravel

I am trying to update my data into my database where the relationship is that I have many schools, so when I try to save inside my database, I want to get something like this: [![enter image ...
Dkna's user avatar
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Update data in database with laravel

Just want to check if it is possible to edit/update a data when my database is save the data like this: I want to update the school_name, start_date, end_date, qualification_list all those but I don'...
Dkna's user avatar
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Cannot update Laravel 5.4 to 5.5 composer

When I tried to update Laravel 5.5 from 5.4, it is show errors. { "name": "laravel/laravel", "description": "The Laravel Framework.", "keywords": ["framework", "laravel"], "license": "...
user avatar
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Laravel: validate unique arrays on update

I know when I need to update value in database I can use unique rule like this 'name' => 'unique:phones,name,'.$request->phone_id, But how can I apply third argument to unique rule when I am ...
Tomas Cerniauskas's user avatar
49 votes
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Laravel check if updateOrCreate performed an update

I have the following code in my controller: for($i=0; $i<$number_of_tourists; $i++) { $tourist = Tourist::updateOrCreate([ 'doc_number' => $request['doc_number'][$I] ], $...
Sergej Fomin's user avatar
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Laravel: (Session?) Pass value from admin side to user

I have a value called 'goal' in admin.blade page that can be changed by the admin who is logged in. I want to be able to pass that new value on a user's page(user.blade). (There is no registered user, ...
AJth's user avatar
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Laravel update record where something has been changed

I want write method to update records where something has been changed. I have forms: The problem is when I change the name, surname or email but don't change the user login. In my validation I write:...
major697's user avatar
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How to update my Pivot Table with addition field in laravel

My table with eloquent relationship in laravel 5.3 User --id --name Gallery --id --name Video --id --name Tags *pivot ...
Al-Amin's user avatar
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Composer/Laravel: Not update specific folder inside vendor

I have installed laravel latest version ..In my application i have used barryvdh/laravel-dompdf package. And i made some font changes in the pdf packages.. Now my problem is while giving composer ...
Trent's user avatar
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Image are not showing and cant update my image in laravel

I am doing a project. In this project I want to update name, websit and image field. I want that if a user choose new one then the field upadted otherwise it retains the past value. this works ...
Shoaib Hassan's user avatar

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