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Questions tagged [vuetifyjs3]

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TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore') when adding vuetify to existing vue 3 app

I'm trying to add vuetify to an existing vue3 project but it triggers this error in some views: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore') Removing <v-app> and <v-...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Mask /Vuetify 3 get raw value

I am trying to use maska with vuetify3 to mask a number. This works fine, but in the @update:model-value function I always get the formatted value. Can someone tell me, How I get the unformatted value?...
Jens's user avatar
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Vuetify validate a custom form component containing multiple internal form components

I have seen several posted questions with similar titles. For example, Vuetify apply rules validation to a custom component. However, they either (like that one) reference a situation where the ...
Malcolm's user avatar
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Updating component props via Vue 3 custom directive

I'm quite new to vue and if I'm understanding it correctly directives are quite different from Angular's: they are meant for DOM manipulation and not to mutate the state. That being said though I'm ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Vuetify v-text-field v-menu width issue

When I use prepend-inner-icon,append-inner-icon, or both with a v-text-field, the v-menu width is not full. However, if I don't use these icons, the v-menu width fits perfectly. I want the width to be ...
web4's user avatar
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Adding a new "finish" button in Vuetify v-stepper-actions

I want to add a FINISH option in the last steps of the v-stepper process. v-stepper-actions documentation does not help much. <v-stepper v-model="step"> <!-- Stepper Header --> ...
Jules Perez's user avatar
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How can I truncate v-data-table column content by using cellProps?

I created following data table: <script setup lang="ts"> const headers: any = [ { title: 'Title', key: 'title', cellProps: { class: ['my-bold-class'] } } ......
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I make a constant available to each of the components in my multi-component Vue 3/Vuetify 3 app?

I have an app that I'm writing in Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. It has multiple components, all of which display monetary amounts. I want the monetary amounts to display in the format that is appropriate to ...
Henry's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 v-select not printing all options

EDIT: Here is an example: Vuetify Playground I recently made a migration from Vue 2 to Vue 3 and fixing errors with the included Vuetify upgrade. I have a v-select which should show all the countries ...
eligolf's user avatar
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How can I change all Vuetify's inputs opacity?

I created following component <v-text-field style="opacity: 1 !important" class="foo" base-color="primary" ></v-text-field> And I noticed that its ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I override Vuetify's default theme colors without creating a custom theme?

I'd like to change the default primary color of Vuetify's theme. I tried checking the official documentation, but I didn't find what I was looking for. I thought it would have been possible to do ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I add a border bottom to Vuetify v-tabs?

I'd like to achieve following result: I did it by doing this <v-tabs> <v-tab v-for="(tab, i) in tabs" :key="i" v-bind="tab" ></v-tab> &...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Why is there a difference in autofocus in vuetify 2 and vuetify 3?

I have a problem that needs explaining regarding the difference in autofocus in Vuetify 2 and Vuetify 3. Does anyone know why there is a difference ? Thank you ! Click to see image of autofocus ...
Việt Anh Hoàng Văn's user avatar
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Importing Vuetify 3 function useTheme()

I'm trying to implement a dynamic theme switcher on runtime in a Google Apps Script app. My problem is that I don't know how to import the function called use theme() of vuetify into my Gas project As ...
ALEXANDRA's user avatar
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vue-router scroll doesn't work properly based on user action

I created following page: <template> <div> <v-row> <v-col> <div id="c1"> <h2>Chapter 1</h2> <div><!-...
PyKKe's user avatar
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