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Getting a lot of errors in this aws-sdk server mainly in websockets

I am getting multiple warning and errors but I am not able to debug them The delay between the input submitted and the server is extremely long (approx 90 sec) with increases with more emit functions ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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Getting multiple errors in this aws-sdk server mainly in websockets

I am getting multiple warning and errors but I am not able to debug them The delay between the input submitted and the server is extremely long (approx 90 sec) with increases with more emit functions ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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Hello Everyone ! i want to connect webSocket to my mern app but getting some error

i am working on realtime chat-app ... want to integrate websocket for instance chat ... but i am getting the error i am getting this kind of error (socket__io-client.js?v=6fe409f1:1018 WebSocket ...
Shoaib Rehman's user avatar
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How to pass custom headers in the upgrade requests using a WebSocket client in my React App

I have tried using the native websocket library to initiate upgrade connection requests. However, my server requires the access token to be sent as a header. Is there a way to pass access token as a ...
TeeeeJ's user avatar
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Problem in screen sharing in WebRTC using MERN stack [closed]

I'm making a simple Google Meet type application using MERN stack. I have connected the users they can communicate over each other through video calling. But when User A tries to screen share I'm ...
Jagannath Samantra's user avatar
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in canvas drawing is visible in person who is drawing but its not drawing in other persons screens. in console coordinates are same for all

Here is code where I have backend as springboot not sure whats causing the blank canvas for others. I am trying to make project like skribble. All other events are working but drawing is not a ...
Jack Smith's user avatar
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React + Django webapp doesnt show user messages, despite showing server messages which are managed by the same logic both frontend and backend

What the title says, I'm trying to make battleships with websockets, yesterday everything was going more or less smooth, aside from having multiple ws opening so after changing stuff around for a ...
Sostanco's user avatar
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Add header to SockJS

i am using this code to connect to my websocket spring boot, but it not working when im add header into. import { Client, IMessage, IFrame } from '@stomp/stompjs' import SockJS from 'sockjs-client' ...
Kiên Phạm Thanh's user avatar
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How can i send messages via WebSockets with React on the frontend and trpc on the backend

I know I can receive data from trpc in React and do I have the possibility to send messages via wsLink? I want to connect to Binance and be able to place orders via WebSockets, so far I've only been ...
seven's user avatar
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How to keep websockets alive in background?

WS Connection opens and stays open for quite a long time - which is great. If you leave the page for a long time or the computer goes to sleep/hibernation, the WS connection closes and is never re-...
Satej Bidvai's user avatar
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How to handle SPA application reload to fetch current deployed version over firebase in react.js?

I am facing a problem where my application needs to do a hard refresh in order to reflect new changes after deploying latest version. Went through multiple ways in order to solve this such as service ...
Satvinder pal singh's user avatar
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Authenticating websockets - adding credentials to Stomp.js client

According to spring doc authentication for websocket falls back to authentication of HTTP request ( handshake ) and when spring-security is set up, no more configuration is needed. I have set up the ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Can i use one shared-worker across sub domains?

I am having 4 react web applications, all of them use realtime data from webscockets. Currently in each of them i create a web worker and that handles all the websocket things, It's a stock broking ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Websocket in NodeJS and ReactJs not connecting

I deployed a React.js PWA application (frontend) and a NodeJS backend in a server. Both are working well with Nginx and PM2. I created a WebSocket in my backend server to connect with my Frontend, but ...
Guilherme Hepfener's user avatar
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React State Resets to Default When WebSocket Message is Received

I'm working on a React project using WebSockets to receive real-time updates. However, I'm encountering an issue where my component's state resets to the default value every time a WebSocket message ...
user25703354's user avatar
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Error querying device-1 while trying to send streaming audio data to backend served on EC2

In local environment, my application was running smoothly without any issues, but when I deployed it on EC2, I was getting an error querying device -1 while I was trying to send streaming audio data ...
Parimal Kolhe's user avatar
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WebSocket is not receiving messages

I have simple STOMP websockets: @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { @Override public void ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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Only pingpong data is received from an external web socket

I am implementing logic that receives real-time stock prices from an external websocket (KIS WebSocket) and sends this information to the front end. The structure is: React (frontend) - Nest.js (...
LSH's user avatar
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Emitting messages from Flask using socketio in main loop, not received by client?

I'm working on a project where I have a Flask server, and I'm trying to use flask-socketio to send messages to the front-end react component. Apologies in advance for any lack of understanding. I have ...
user25546427's user avatar
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Error: Rendered more hooks than during the previous render with next-auth &

const [bidAmount, setBidAmount] = useState<number>(product?.data?.currentPrice); const { data: session } = useSession(); const socket = useClient(); useEffect(() => { if (!socket) ...
sachin kumar's user avatar
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Storing async WebSocket messages in React state without message loss

I have a React app that connects to a WebSocket using react-use-websocket. Messages are received asynchronously, processed by receiveHandler and then the socketMessages state is updated with the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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WebSocket Connection Fails in docker client but not in local / container

Context I'm working on a React client app for a chat app using rabbitmq, ws, docker, docker compose, react-use-websocket. repository here Problem The Websocket connection fails from the browser of the ...
hugo_HDSF's user avatar
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60 views events in React.js and Node.js are not being triggered

I'm building a chat application in React js and Node js. The events that I have written in React.js and Node.js do not seem to be triggered. I can login and see data in both the browser and the ...
SecondAccount's user avatar
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Changing the WS-URL of React.js DEV

I have a React application running on PORT 5447, but it is redirected to a subdomain on port 80 using Nginx Multihost. Example: The connection basically works, but my React ...
Noaah's user avatar
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Laravel Rever and React Configurations

I want to connect my React app with Laravel Reverb. When connecting to a public channel everything works fine. but when trying to connect to a private channel I get connection refused My React Code ...
ERaufi's user avatar
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Authentication in websocket

I have an express application, which serves some api endpoints and a websocket. Web sockets have rooms and on every message it inserts a message to mongodb. wsServer.on("connection", (ws, ...
Data's user avatar
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I'm using React to develop the web, but the socket is disconnected right away

Hi I'm trying to send and receive videos through a web socket connection The html code runs properly, connects and receives photos But the one that's made of react doesn't work It's a code that's ...
user24868563's user avatar
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Stream Huggingface Text Generation Response Via Websocket

So I am new to working with websockets and seem to be at a snag with my current code base. Essentially, I have a React frontend where the user asks a question and supplies some parameters, this ...
Brandon's user avatar
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How connect React to MQTT over WSS

I am trying to connect to the MQTT Broker using MQTT.js in my React application, but I am getting an error with the WSS protocol. First, my mosquitto.conf file: # mosquitto.conf pid_file /run/...
nidea1's user avatar
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WebSocket Connection Fails with 301 Moved Permanently on DigitalOcean App Platform with NGINX

I have a React frontend and a .NET Core 8 backend running on DigitalOcean App Platform. The backend acts as a WebSocket server. Everything works when tested locally or with tools like Postman, but my ...
myaccountname's user avatar
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React component is increasing in memory usage overtime from rendering? Is there a conflict or memory leak?

Here's my component, what happens is I connect to my websocket and listen for incoming messages from the server and display them. Whenever my message list exceeds 10 messages, I slice the first ...
yaki06's user avatar
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How to prevent 504 Gateway Timeout Error using SignalR with .NET Core API and React client?

I have an endpoint that uploads a CSV into my web application to import data, and while the request succeeds a majority of the time, with bigger data sets, the client eventually times out with a 504 ...
SigmaScout_12's user avatar
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42 views client shows connected as true, but still does not send any events

I am using react with to facilitate websocket communication between client and server. Below is the code I am using. const Main = () => { const [socket, setSocket] = useState(); const ...
Dev Account's user avatar
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Why recommends not to listen to events inside Child components?

I have a React app with many pages. Inside one of the pages, I need real-time communication with the server. So, we started using But, the doc said as follow Listeners in a child component ...
Nyi Nyi Hmue Aung's user avatar
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16 views, methods are not working

Actually I am working on a one to many white board application inside it only host can present on canvas other non-host can see the image of that canvas. But in my case a problem arises that when I am ...
Mohammad Irfan lohar's user avatar
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Locally transfer files from mobile to webapp in reactjs using websockets

I want to create an webapp using reactjs where we can share files, contacts, images, videos etc from mobile to web and web to mobile using local network. Mobile app basically is a server to share ...
Zain Zahid's user avatar
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Socket io trigger an event twice in react js

im facing an issue. my socket io trigger twice on client side. i dont know what is the issue here. here is my socket configure code in src/socket.ts file and the socket connection in the mainlayout ...
opu's user avatar
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Stompjs + React application - Client connection closed automatically

I'm trying to use the stompjs library along with React application to establish a WebSocket connection with a server. However, I'm facing an issue where the connection is opened and closed immediately....
Daniel Koti's user avatar
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WebSocket connection error in React and Docker: Could not connect to WebSocket to ws://backend:7000/api/getData

When running my React app in Docker using Nginx as a reverse proxy, I get an error when connecting to WebSocket. I get an error message: WebSocket connection to 'ws://backend:7000/api/getData' failed: ...
Гор Манучарян's user avatar
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11 views only emits to rooms after recompile of react client code

`I am trying to implement messaging into my react application, and I'm stuck on getting the sockets to work consistently. The socket only works after recompiling the react app, as in, when I ...
Benito Sanchez's user avatar
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Stream PCD files using Flask Socket Io

I would like to stream(fetch all .pcd files one by one with one request from client to server)PCD files from server to client or front end . Here I have some pcd folders which contains .pcd files, for ...
ApENg's user avatar
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Problem when connecting my frontend to deployed socket server

I am trying to connect a react frontend to a deployed node js backend which also has a connection. this is working fine locally. But when deploying and connecting to it, it is not making the ...
Ravindu Dharmadasa's user avatar
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Using Cypress to test React app with Yjs Websocket server backend

Hi I am developing a collaborative tool using react and Yjs. The tool in question is a spreadsheet and I wanted to do some E2E testing to prove the correctness. I intented to use cypress to do this ...
Gabriel Sánchez's user avatar
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Issues while setting up websocket for graphql subscription

I am trying to make a chat interface. I am using Nexjs in my frontend along with @tanstack-react-query. I have setup my graphql server with apollo server. I have setup the subscription in the server. ...
user24470741's user avatar
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React front end triggering WebSocket.onmessage twice

I'm new to React and am currently trying to create a real time chat app. I'm nearly finished. the last feature needed is that the React component pasted below needs to receive messages from the Django ...
Dan Gray's user avatar
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I am implementing real-time chat using web sockets, but the chat is not reflected in real time

The getChatMsg function is an API that brings previous chat history. Even though it was invalidated with invalidateQueries, the chat history is not reflected in real time. Even if you manage input ...
ZENA LEE's user avatar
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NodeJS socket connection not working on EC2 despite working fine on local

We have deployed our reactJS frontend, NodeJS backend and NodeJS chat(which uses socket programming for communication) on AWS using nginx as webserver. This is what I have added my /etc/nginx/nginx....
stan3098's user avatar
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How to implement WebSocket communication for chat responses in a FastAPI-React.js chatbot?

I am a novice developer who can handle python to some extent, but has little knowledge about fastapi and servers. I'm building a chatbot using autogen with FastAPI-React.js I wish the agent's chat ...
Junsung Kim's user avatar
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How To Add Cookie A Header To A Websocket Request In ReactJS (Like Postman Does)

To Mods: I've read every other relevant question on SO before posting this. Historically, the solution has been 'just forget about cookies and pass auth in utm params', but that answer is not an ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Does WebRTC need Server? [duplicate]

I have a simple question based on this link WebRTC WebRTC (Web Real-time Communication) is an industry effort to enhance the web browsing model. It allows browsers to directly exchange realtime media ...
Ali Ehyaie's user avatar
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