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Typescript reach defined type from variable in Angular

You have to set keyof TypeMap for the variables, then it will access the index type. interface Bus { id: number; test?: string; } interface Area{ id: number; load?: string; } type TypeMap= {...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

Try these in console instead: $state/$scope/$context: Element debug info $apply/$applyChanges(): Trigger change detection cycle
Sandeep Gupta's user avatar
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Angular and contenteditable

I use a MutationObserver to watch text change on the element. It works pretty well so far: import { isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common'; import { Directive, ElementRef, OnDestroy, ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Swiper 11 and Angular 17 SSR ERROR TypeError: this.el.nativeElement.initialize is not a function

Not sure if this is still an issue but I got this error to fix on my end by simply importing 'register' and initializing it before anything else in my main.ts file. import { register } from 'swiper/...
Roger Sandoval's user avatar
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How to add version to index.html during ng build?

Create a Node.js script to read the version number and inject it into index.html. const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const packageJson = require('./package.json'); // Read ...
Tomescu Mihail's user avatar
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Angular 16 RxJs Issue Updating Total on Header Component

You need a service to share data between components like this: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'; import { Cartitems } from './cartitems.interface';...
Tomescu Mihail's user avatar
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Can I Safely Remove zone.js Dependency in Angular 18 with Experimental Zoneless Change Detection?

Enabling zoneless is exactly this : build and run angular without the zone.js dependency. The NgZone implementation will not rely on zone.js but on a dummy implementation called NoopNgZone.
Matthieu Riegler's user avatar
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Error on GET with authorization-header - only in Browser (CF-RestApi & Angular)

you need a proxy for your development environment. Check this out:
Tomescu Mihail's user avatar
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Angular 13 while deploying in Jenkins, the platform team is saying that AEM publishers are crashing

AEM in this case is Adobe Experience Manager. But the solution sounds simple enough, throttle the logs - either in Angular, if Angular is directly writing logs to the file system, set it to write out ...
Leah F's user avatar
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How to extract colors from a palette in Material 3

You can use mat.get-theme-color for this. Full Detailed Docs for get-theme-color background-color: mat.get-theme-color($theme, primary, 50) !important; We should also be aware of the number ranges ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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How to use the retry from Rxjs to my await function?

You can use this article code which seems to be exactly what you need. It has support for number of retries and custom error message. import './style.css'; let i = 0; const promiseFn = () => { ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Using async/await with a service call

When you think of observables, consider it normal to place the additional actions inside the subscribe. The code in the subscribe is asynchronous (waits for the API to complete) the code below the ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Replacing a nested subscribe when getting multiple details from one initial call for ids

My approach involves using switchMap and forkJoin. First we use the observable to get all the ID fields, then we can use switchMap to switch from outer observable to inner observable. I then convert ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Angular can not upload file via formData

I couldn't find solution so I decided to use axios instead. It works well const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', file); const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }; ...
fatihcayir2001's user avatar
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How to use animations in an angular standalone component

For Angular 18, you need to add provideAnimations() to the providers list of app.config.ts and app.config.server.ts. is after doing that that it finally started work for me.
Siewe Rostand's user avatar
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angular/material 6 menu only opens in top left

I was missing the basic Angular material setup. Adding the following lines to my styles.scss fixed the problem: @import '~@angular/material/theming'; @include mat-core(); Make sure to check out the ...
Allan Juan's user avatar
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Angular Material Autocomplete force selection

I didn't want to use setTimeout() because it seem very dirty, and you will always have a short, unwanted delay. So i found a solution without setTimeout(), but utilizing (mousedown) on the mat-option. ...
zWinGaH's user avatar
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error NG8002: Can't bind to 'ngSrc' since it isn't a known property of 'img'

I figured out what was the problem. I used non standalone component. So with standalone component it works well.
L. Kvri's user avatar
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Replacing a nested subscribe when getting multiple details from one initial call for ids

You can definitely use Promises for this. But you could also use RxJS for this well. It can be done like this: loadWigitsDetailed() { this.wigitGetterService.fetchWigitIds({ category: 'big' }) ....
Srikar Phani Kumar M's user avatar
2 votes

ng not found error when building Angular project using dockerfile

You shouldn't use the latest tag of the node image with Angular projects. Angular only supports the LTS version. In the stable channel some changes might be made which Angular first needs to adapt for....
JSON Derulo's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Using async/await with a service call

I see you are using "subscribe", which imply RxJS. You could use the lastValueFrom function to convert your observable to a promise. import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs' async ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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no data in NYC .nyc_output/out.json = Angular18 + Cypress + Code Coverage

I got it working. The minimum reproducible repo has become a working repo with both Cypress e2e (npm run e2e) and component testing (npm run ct) code coverage. I hope this helps you. :) https://...
Kirkland's user avatar
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origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy in Angular7

in your spring boot application, 1- add : @CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4200") to the Controller Class, OR 2- add : res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:...
Mounir bkr's user avatar
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Angular local library component rendering error (reading 'bindingStartIndex')

adding "@angular/*": ["./node_modules/@angular/*"] to the paths of tsconfig.json did the trick. Not sure if I'd ever find it out on my own.
Andrew Ku's user avatar
1 vote

Angular 18 SSR Vercel issue with 404

I made it work..... api/index.js export default import('../dist/project/server/server.mjs') .then(module =>; vercel.json { "version": 2, "public": true, &...
The Segfault's user avatar
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Angular Input validate only on click. reset when user type or remove entire text

You have to use the parameter updateOn of formGroup to 'submit', by doing the form only evaluates the validation on click of submit button. Note that I am using a button of type submit and moved the ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Angular Input validate only on click. reset when user type or remove entire text

If you only have required validator this should work, otherwise it will be red until it's valid. <form [formGroup]="userForm" #form="ngForm" novalidate> <div class="...
Bojan Kogoj's user avatar
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Angular Signals: How to trigger an effect based on a signal without using its value?

I couldn't find a better way other than to either use the toObservable() as mentioned by @JSONDerulo or to trigger the signal getter inside the effect(). However you could define a named effect ...
Michael D's user avatar
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Angular Signals inside effect()

You can just use toObservable for this. To Convert to observable then use switchMap to switch to the API observable you need, this will react when the signal changes. item_id = input<string>();...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Angular directive css class selector is not working when class added by ngClass directive

You can use attribute selector to select the target of HTML element that contain the specific attribute. Attributes selectors are contained within [] @Directive({ selector: '.test', standalone: ...
Alpine A110R's user avatar
1 vote

Firefox | HTMLVideoElement currentTime 0 after executing play()

It seems like you are currently relying on the Chrome specific implementation of the .play() function, where the currentTime is greater than 0 right after the function was called. But there is no ...
JSON Derulo's user avatar
  • 13.2k
2 votes

Angular Signals: How to trigger an effect based on a signal without using its value?

You can use toObservable() to convert the signal to an Observable: constructor() { toObservable(this.authService.userAuthorized) .pipe(takeUntilDestroyed()) .subscribe(() => this....
JSON Derulo's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Install peer dependencies in lib automatically on the client side

Packages, which the library itself depends on should be in dependencies and not in peerDependencies. This will also make sure that the packages are installed always. According to the npm docs, peer ...
JSON Derulo's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Issue with primeng ngmodel binding after upgrading to 16.2.0.even though i select the date ,it is not getting selected

same issue i am facing my data not show input box for calender <div class="field flex-wrap gap-3 p-fluid"> <label> {{ label }} @if(required){ <span ...
Suraj's user avatar
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The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used

Pls re-install by aspnet_regiis command.
Naveed I's user avatar
2 votes

Rxjs concatMap that resolves to switchMap

Take this approach instead : private cache = new BehaviorSubject<any>(undefined); public cache$ = this.cache.asObservable().pipe( filter(Boolean); ); loadData() { if (this.cache.value) ...
MGX's user avatar
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Rxjs concatMap that resolves to switchMap

Looks too complicated, you can convert the promise to an observable using from and then use share to cache the value. There is no need for the behaviour subject. test$ = new BehaviorSubject<any[] | ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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How to resolve ngx-bootstrap Dependency Error

let me help you with logs. It says that it can't install [email protected] because it found that you already got installed @angular/[email protected], probably it's in your package.json. Next it ...
Alex Umanskiy's user avatar
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Ionic NFC cordova plugin_not_installed

Did you add the provider like that in app.module.ts ? 😉 @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, ... ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], providers: [ NFC ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }...
Simple Dev's user avatar
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Angular: Data path "" must have required property 'buildTarget'

The best way is to revert the commit or discard changes, if you are using git. Create a new ionic project with the same version as your project. Then compare the architect.js with your file. See ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Optimizing Angular HTTP Interceptor for Refresh Token

You need to use HttpBackend, where calls made through this are not intercepted by the interceptor, hence preventing the infinite loop. From the docs: A final HttpHandler which will dispatch the ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
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Optimizing Angular HTTP Interceptor for Refresh Token

You can prevent the interceptor from intercepting the refresh token request by using a flag or token in the HTTP headers to bypass interception. Ensure the interceptor skips handling requests marked ...
maverick's user avatar
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CDK Drag and Drop - How to always add dragged item as last child in container during preview?

I just adjusted the code, to push the element to Infinity, this gets rid of this bug and guarantees the position at the last of the list. If you want to push to the top of the list then -Infinity. ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
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Component init inside ng bootstrap accordion even if closed

UPDATE: The problem was that the accordion body content must be wrapped in an ng-template since this was not done, the content is getting rendered even when the accordion is not open. The same method ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Combines Angular Material table-expandable-rows and table-wrapped, and adds custom expand details but cannot show the custom detail content

When I changed ContentChild to @ContentChild('temp', { read: TemplateRef, }) template: TemplateRef<any>; It started working, so we need to be specific with the selector. Also promote ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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How to Launch Notepad++ from Angular 18 Project on Button Click?

Generally speaking, you should be able to use exec from Node's child_process module. Read the documentation for detailed information. I don't program Electron (or server JavaScript for that matter), ...
José Ramírez's user avatar
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How to write unit test case using Jamine to test form controls touched, untouched and dirty conditions

You have to mock the conditions so that the execution goes inside the if condition. Also note, I am failing all two if conditions, except the last, this is to demo a simple method to cover chained ...
Naren Murali's user avatar
  • 41.6k
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Need BrowserAnimationsModule in Angular but gives error in Universal

You don't need to create a separate module, Just replace: // BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, You cannot use both together.
Ali Adravi's user avatar
  • 22.4k
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Angular 10 error: Object is possibly 'undefined' when accessing the previous array element

If it is array, then easy, make the default value to [], like this: @Input() books: Array<Book> = []; What if value is an object, like Pagianation object something {x:xx, y: xx, records: [...]}...
Ali Adravi's user avatar
  • 22.4k
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Primeng p-calendar same size as parent

An option to use utility classes from frameworks like PrimeFlex is using styleClass. This works even with other components from PrimeNG: <p-calendar styleClass="w-full" />
999PingGG's user avatar

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