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Firefox Security Error: Content at http://localhost:xxxx/ may not load data from blob:http://localhost:xxxx/... when assigning blob url of MediaSource

Very weird bug where it seems they don't hold the link between the MediaSource and the blob: URL when this latter isn't consumed in the same task it was created. Here is an actual minimal example: ...
Kaiido's user avatar
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Failed to download and view the file from the local path (ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT)

Looks like an old issue for Chromium. Though they delivered a fix later, the problem has recently reappeared somehow. Some workarounds you can try now: Drop the sandbox CSP attribute for PDFs. Open ...
Kendrick Li's user avatar
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Adding Server Headers to Vite React Project isn't working

How you enable the server.https? Try import basicSsl from '@vitejs/plugin-basic-ssl' and add basicSsl() in plugins If you have your own certificate, you should add the server options in server.https ...
user3655479's user avatar
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Testing Content Security Policy report-to in localhost

I was able to test CSP locally in Chrome (v126) by using a public domain that resolves to See for example
NicBright's user avatar
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It is possible to see nonce value using cURL?

yes it is possible with -v or --verbose and it is not the only option look here How to display request headers with command line curl
art_hq's user avatar
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