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dgrid is a component for creating lists and grids based on the Dojo Toolkit. dgrid is a completely portable AMD package designed to be lightweight, CSS-centric, easily extensible and mobile-ready. It's released under the same open-source license and CLA as the Dojo Toolkit (BSD/AFLv2).

dgrid is a component for creating lists and grids based on the Dojo Toolkit. dgrid is a completely portable AMD package in the Dojo Foundation package repository designed to be lightweight, CSS-centric, easily extensible and mobile-ready. It's released under the same open-source license and CLA as the Dojo Toolkit (BSD/AFLv2).


  • Keyboard navigation & ARIA role support for accessibility
  • i18n support
  • Asynchronous data retrieval & row rendering
  • Row & column drag’n'drop
  • jQuery ThemeRoller theme support
  • Native support for dojo/store (0.3 and earlier) or dstore (0.4 and later)
  • Automatic updates with Observable / Trackable stores
  • Inline cell editors, including support for Dijit form widgets as editors
  • Unlimited-depth tree support
  • Support for multiple independent column sets
  • Support for records rendered to multiple sub-rows
  • Support for custom formatting functions for cell contents
  • A complete row selection engine, including multi-row and indirect (checkbox-based) selection
  • ColumnHider: Shows and hides columns via a simple menu
  • ColumnReorder: Reorders columns in simple layouts using drag’n'drop
  • CompoundColumns: Allows spanning column headers
  • DijitRegistry: Enables integration with the Dijit registry and Dijit layout widgets
  • Virtual & traditional paging options via OnDemandGrid and Pagination

(The above information was distilled from the beta and 0.4 SitePen blog posts and the feature comparison on

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