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2 votes

How to align <div> containers based on border position and midline?

I come up with something like this! Hope this helps. It will auto adjust depending on the items in columns. I also added placeholders where the team names probably will be .team-name { ...
Tomáš Kováčik's user avatar
1 vote

Why when i send a fecth requst to Open Weather API in React JS. React first return me undefined an after that data?

No default value was specified for the state: const [weatherData, setWeatherData] = useState(); So it defaults to undefined. You could add any default you like. For example, this would default to ...
David's user avatar
  • 216k
1 vote

PrimeNG, InputOtp cant change values of already filled input

You can overwrite the inputs with templates there you should then be able to access keydown and overwrite the value
Sven Heidemann's user avatar
1 vote

AngularJS angular-xeditable stop cancel event

I solved this problem like this[ 'editableOptions', function (editableOptions) { 'use strict'; editableOptions.blurElem = 'ignore'; }, ]);
DzmitryMashuk's user avatar

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