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Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is the successor to Internet Explorer 10. It was officially released on 17 October 2013 for Windows 8.1 and on 7 November 2013 for Windows 7. Microsoft apps and services to end support for Internet Explorer 11 November 30, 2020 - September 30, 2021.

Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is the successor to Internet Explorer 10. It was officially released on 17 October 2013 for Windows 8.1 and on 7 November 2013 for Windows 7.

It is the final version of Internet Explorer supported by Microsoft. As of Windows 10, Edge is the new default browser, but IE11 will continue to get security patches until the operating system reaches end of life. See Microsoft apps and services to end support for Internet Explorer 11

New web standards features included in IE11 include:

Rewritten F12 Dev Tools

  • New performance analysis tools
  • New memory usage tools
  • Many other new and updated dev features


  • WebGL
  • Canvas2D Level 2 (partial)


  • MPEG Dash


  • SPDY/3


  • Updated Flexbox to Candidate Recommendation syntax
  • border-image-* and shorthand
  • text-combine-horizontal


  • ES6 let, const, Map, WeakMap and Set
  • __proto__, __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__

DOM and APIs

  • Mutation Observers
  • Device Orientation Events
  • Screen Orientation API
  • Full Screen API
  • Input Method Editor API
  • Media Source Extensions
  • Encrypted Media Extensions
  • Web Cryptography API
  • element.dataset
  • Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)
  • Dynamic TextTracks
  • TTML Simple Delivery Profile for Closed Captions
  • Streaming XHR cache control (msCaching attribute)
  • Pointer Events updated to Candidate Recommendation syntax
  • devicePixelRatio

The user agent string has been updated to remove the MSIE token and add like Gecko. Support for Microsoft specific features such as document.all and the ActiveXObject has been cloaked.