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sample example of java upgrade from 8 to 21 using open rewrite

This page shows you how to upgrade to spring boot 3.3 and Java 21: Under usage there is a command you can copy for Maven ...
Tim's user avatar
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Genson with jakarta in java21 and tomcat 10.1

Need to tallk to Community Support Tea.
user26434487's user avatar
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Compilation error after upgrading to JDK 21 - "NoSuchFieldError: JCImport does not have member field JCTree qualid"

i juste increase springframword version to 3.2.3 and it work: <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <...
Mounir bkr's user avatar
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Best data structure for storing 2048 minecraft ItemTags?

I think the first thing you should consider is: "Do I really need people to be able to choose a stack size of 1837?". What would be the player's benefit of choosing such an arbitrary number? ...
QBrute's user avatar
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Are virtual threads supported in Open Liberty v23+

The article that Jared refers to is now published on The article mainly discusses what our performance team found when they ...
Laura's user avatar
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How to install Sencha Cmd (linux-amd64) on eclipse-temurin:21 docker image

The error message really says it all - you need to install Java 8 (provided on Ubuntu by the openjdk-8-jdk package) and set INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to its location: FROM eclipse-temurin:21 as builder ENV ...
Mureinik's user avatar
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SpringBootTest hangs following Java 21 migration

I had a similar issue with SpringBootTest 3.3.1 hanging when switching to JDK 21. For me it turned out to be some @Scheduled tasks for Springs @EnableScheduling scheduled task execution capability. It ...
Nathan Niesen's user avatar
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HikariCP keep alive query leaking Google Spanner Sessions

TLDR: Update to at least version 2.16.2 of the Spanner JDBC driver. It is however recommended to always use the latest version of the Spanner JDBC driver. At the time of writing, that is version 2.20....
Knut Olav Løite's user avatar
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Spring Security 6 - how to handle InvalidBearerTokenExeption

you can add an authenticationEntryPoint as below @Bean public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.csrf(AbstractHttpConfigurer::disable) ...
DingHao's user avatar
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What can explain a deadlock only occuring with virtual threads?

Pinning is a lingering effect of using virtual threads and can unfortunately lead to serious deadlock scenarios. I've encountered these deadlocks while using various external libraries like Apache ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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ObjectSizeCalculator replacement in java 21

I'd suggest you use the Java Object Layout library.
Attila Szegedi's user avatar
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Intermittent Connection Timeout Issues in Java 21/Spring Boot 3.1.6 Application with Multiple API Consumption

To address this, I implemented a retry mechanism using RestTemplate to handle these intermittent issues gracefully. import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.springframework.web....
jerald jacob's user avatar
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JavaFX 21 modular application, how to add automatics modules (H2 and Hibernate) to classpath after jlink has linked modules required for the runtime

There seems to be a misconception one needs to have all jars on which an application depends to be modular to build a jlink image. It is correct that jlink will only build an image from modularized ...
Philippe's user avatar
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Why ReentrantLock is better for virtual threads than synchronized?

Virtual threads (fibers) are indicated for tasks that involve blocking, tasks that are not CPU-bound. Blocking tasks include those that perform file I/O, logging, network calls, database access, etc. ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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How do I update Eclipse?

Use Help > Check for Updates to update to 2024-06 to get support for Java 22 (Java 22 was released after Eclipse 2024-03 so a newer version of Eclipse is required to use Java 22 in your projects). –...
fr4xx's user avatar
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Error creating bean with name 'postgresMlEmbeddingModel' defined in class path resource

From the github page of postgresml, it seems you can just start it with docker. Just use the newest version that you can fine here since I assume it changes often. (There is no latest tag that I can ...
rjdkolb's user avatar
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Error creating bean with name 'refreshEventListener' after upgraded to Java 21 and SpringBoot 3.2.4

It seems you have been using incorrect hibernate-related dependencies. I added the following in your pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>io.hypersistence</groupId> <...
N Sarj's user avatar
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