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mschr's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
How to get the current solution name from a Visual Studio Package project?
I think this might be best solution. As i see it there might be other solutions 'hidden' for Visual Studio, thus search might fail - however if youre doing solutions inside solutions you are better of using projects anyways and have a flaw in you architecture... +1
Why is textarea filled with mysterious white spaces?
As firmly defined in all upvoted answers, tldr; is this behavior is in the desktop client browser window. It depends how the DOM interpreter handles it but any excess spaces are whitespaces/comments - but they are still is included in HTML renderer. Thus the newlines/whitespaces, combine <?php and ?> with no whitespace to the next DOM element defined (<textarea><?php ... ?></textarea>)
Unwanted new line returned after AJAX request
note that with the above commented method of locating the most recent output, you may get the line of the first output that 'broke' the headerspace with some additional newline or character of sorts. First line of output the needed buffering sorta say.
The android sdk location cannot be at the filesystem root
I have tried this also in WSL package. SDK Manager says at edit stage, an automatic version of sdk has been found, but once in preferences > sdk manager trying to enable some android version - the option checkboxes are greyeed out and disabled. The preferences has a blank textbox saying the 'not at filesys root' message
artisan migration error "Class 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOMySql\\Driver' not found",
As an addition, i encountered this problem upon removing a debugbar dependency from composer.json. I did notice DBAL package being removed but it was no problem until i ran another migration. Once fireing composer require i then had a 'problem' with this: composer/package-versions-deprecated
In what use cases I will need WSL
Cygwin has existed since... Well for as long as i can remember. Its basically the same, except for the filesystem being a mounted tarball. Cygwin is however, limited compared to .deb / .rpm etc - ports must be made to .exe for each package. As for myself, it comes in Very handy when developing and with a unix repository manager handling installs, its very fast to setup a platform with all those capabilities we're used to on a linux host. Some things are not available on Windows (.so vs .dll) and vice versa. Just my 50 cents
How to use abbreviations in Vim with arguments?
this line: exe normal! A'.substitute(t1, 'b', a:x, 'g') refers to variable 'x' which is not defined (see FF(i, n). Replacing a:x with a:n works
How to perform integration testing in PHP?
Imho you cannot rely on a Mock service/controller layer.. It will not be affected by external software at any point, thus it is not an integration to anything. If youre running a web-app for instance, you need a running server process (initial measure - response time / stress threshold - it COULD crash) and serialization/desiralization (interpretation of the browsers GET/POST payloads to your controllers basically) over the network protocol - also you need a defined set of sequential actions (maybe targeting various controllers / endpoints - thus testing them together - integraded).
WSL - GEDIT Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
This is not viable, maybe it is simply outdated or only works in WSL 1. To make this work, one would need to either ssh to HOST network and then host VcXsrv/Xming via that. The problem is, that the WSL localhost is NOT the same network interface as the HOST's localhost
How can I make SonarQube PHP plugin work with PHPUnit?
3 upvotes on comment to edit, here's the 4th
Loop MySQL to insert data in table
+1 DOESNT WORK IN PHPMYADMIN for the right syntax to use near 'FOR v_LoopCounter IN 2560..2660 LOOP select 1; END LOOP; END' at line 2
PHP function that receive a cron string and return the next run timestamp
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