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andreszs's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Retrieving cordova context results in: 'error: cannot find symbol variable cordova'

1 vote

Accessing Cordova plugin from iOS build

1 vote

Unable to Display website using In-App-Browser

1 vote

Cordova - PluginResult cannot find symbol

1 vote

Call function BackHandler only on one page

1 vote

How to enable cache in crosswalk with cordova?

1 vote

Cordova Phonegap Json Request

1 vote

Cordova Android Builds Failing

1 vote

App close event in Ionic Windows 8.1 App?

1 vote

Disable user zoom in cordova app for windows phone 8

1 vote

Developing Cordova Project in Visual Studio 2015

1 vote

MSBUILD : cordova-build error : Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code ENOENT

1 vote

Opening Cordova project in VS2017 doesn't maintain the Cordova Toolset version

1 vote

Cannot select Cordova Global on Visual Studio 2017

1 vote

Error on adding Windows Phone 8.0 wp8 platform in Cordova

1 vote

Cordova Android- Keep sending AJAX request to the server while the device is in background mode

1 vote

phonegap barcode scanner not scanning pdf417 bar code

1 vote

Webpage jumps to bottom when it is loaded, no clue why, what could be causing this?

1 vote

Is it possible to update a url link based on user text input?

1 vote

My template page automatically zooms on mobile devices

1 vote

PhoneGap Build admob

1 vote

VS Community 2015 - No Windows Phone Emulator Installed

1 vote

All over the world news api for android

0 votes

How to Upload, Download and Viewing videos using Java

0 votes

Not able to set background color

0 votes

How can I create a keystore Visual studio 2015 apache cordova?

0 votes

Visual studio 2015 cannot connect to Windows Phone 8.1 emulator

0 votes

Add favicon on php echo page

0 votes

launchArgs in PushPlugin (Cordova and Windows Universal app)

0 votes

Building a blank Cordova app is giving multiple errors

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