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Codehan25's user avatar
Codehan25's user avatar
Software Engineer & UX Designer @ Bosch Digital
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

Overriding bootstrap 4 primary button styling with scss

1 vote

How to use ng-container and ng-template

1 vote

Angular / Spring Boot | error: SyntaxError: "JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"

0 votes

How to update an existing array of objects (add a new object to the array) with the useState hook?

0 votes

How to check whether a specific string occurs as a value in an object?

0 votes

How to move the cursor/caret inside a input field with arrow keys?

0 votes

Jest duplicate manual mock warning within Nx workspace

0 votes

Responsive Design - Div disappears when resizing window

0 votes

Unit testing a method in Angular with Karma/Jasmin

0 votes

Check string matching with regular expression within PHP/Smarty-Template

0 votes

Structured Data ( - openingHours for EducationalOrganization

0 votes

Customize a bootstrap template for the mobile viewport

0 votes

Adding multiple overlays to leaflet's layers control