
UI/UX reengineering
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37% more sales on average after UI modernization of your enterprise grade software
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We re-engineer
sub-performing interfaces
and turn them into your product’s selling point

Retention boost

Retention boost

Our projects have shown that we can boost user retention up to 90% letting users work with interfaces effortlessly, and become more satisfied with an application.
User acquisition boost

User acquisition boost

Your product will engage wider audiences bringing in added convenience: animation; drag&drop features; including an adaptive design to support a wider range of devices.
Maintenance costs drop

Maintenance costs drop

We cut costs by basing your front end on robust technologies, we write the code to be easily readable for a wider pool of developers, and by improving the testability.
New systems integration

New systems integration

Your app may need additional integrations to engage more business customers. We have the ability to connect it to new systems and/or create modules that will expand your functionality.
Reasonable timeframe

Reasonable timeframe

We have delivered complex high load projects in as little as 2 months. The scope included not only a visual makeover, but at the same time, improving the structure and, as a result, increasing the performance.

We start from
A deep analysis of your
customers’ business processes

37% more sales and
up to 50% bottom line
growth after modernization

The UI shapes the customers’ perception of your app. The stats by Forbes even say that for every $1 invested in UX/UI the result is a gain of $10 up to $100, so the UI literally recruits new customers.

That’s why if it’s difficult to work with your app, frustrated users eventually go away regardless of the features your app offers, data it provides, or computational power behind it. Our goal is to show your users every benefit of your app in a clear, visual manner. Based on research of your customers’ journey, and having analysed your business goals, we will re-engineer app. so users understand and love to use it.

Our workover may include a full redesign or implementation of a new feature. We can even reverse engineer your software and put it on solid modern technologies. Often we find the implementation of a new structure better fits the user's Journey. A well-structured business application will keep users engaged and productive — that’s what your enterprise customers want!

Feel free to drop us a line so we can discuss what your app needs in this new business landscape.

Enterprise software redesign leads to:
  • growth of user satisfaction rate
  • reduction of time to perform typical operations
  • less time spent to learn how to use the system
  • easier to win users’ preference
  • easier to retain users
  • competitive advantage among apps similar of functionality
  • and as a result, net profit growth

According to Forbes Reengineering of UX/UI drastically affects your bottom line

User acquisition rate

User acquisition rate

Even a 1% increase in user acquisition affects your bottom line by ~ 3.3%.
Retention rate

Retention rate

Improving your retention rate by 1% extends customer lifetime value and increases your bottom line by ~7%.
Maintenance costs

Maintenance costs

Lower app maintenance costs results in up to 50% bottom line growth.

Still not sure How a UX modernization helps
sell your software?

Download a 6-step checklist
to learn more

How can UX/UI Modernization elevate your product value. Case studies with customers’ business problems and the implementation of solutions.

Re-engineering workflow explained step by step, from the business analysis to the web development stage.

UX/UI Modernization UX/UI Modernization
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Let’s get started

Behind any great interface there’s
an equally great effort.
Allow us to make it
for your product!

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