
Here are the images of the bike. It looks soooooo good! !https://ibb.co/RyqZ6NR !https://ibb.co/C8TmGgQ !https://ibb.co/hYRP5zK !https://ibb.co/2dkWNRF !https://ibb.co/rkKFtKm !https://ibb.co/LrYGGV1 !https://ibb.co/x10sbQF !https://ibb.co/ZXQpXZX

  • 1
    Are these your photos and if not, where did you get them from? Photos are important to recognize bikes but using photos made by someone else does require giving the source.
    – Willeke
    Commented Jul 7 at 5:50
  • You could send the serial number to Pinarello.com and ask them to verify it's legit. pinarello.com/usa/en/contact-form Commented Jul 7 at 17:34


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