Closed Bug 1488530 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Ship |clip-path:path()|


(Core :: Layout, enhancement, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox71 --- fixed


(Reporter: boris, Assigned: boris)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: dev-doc-complete, parity-safari)


(2 files)

We add a pref for |clip-path:path()| and it is default off in Bug 1487838. After we decide to ship it, let's remove the pref in this bug.

FWIW, it seems to me that Safari has already shipped this (as opposed to what's stated in MDN page). Chrome doesn't seem to have supported it, though.

Keywords: parity-safari
Priority: P5 → P3

There are currently no blocking bugs referenced. So, what's holding this from being shipped?


Flags: needinfo?(boris.chiou)

Btw, I've updated the information about this function on the "Experimental features for Firefox" MDN page.

And I've added the dev-doc-needed keyword now, so it will be documented once it gets shipped.


Keywords: dev-doc-needed

(In reply to Sebastian Zartner [:sebo] from comment #2)

There are currently no blocking bugs referenced. So, what's holding this from being shipped?


No blocking bugs. We are the first browser to support this, and I added a pref to protect this in the beginning because this is a chrome-only feature at that moment. Now it seems Webkit also supports this, per Comment 1, and the result of, so it should be fine to ship this now.

Probably also need to add some parsing tests into wpt.

Assignee: nobody → boris.chiou
Flags: needinfo?(boris.chiou)

Change component to Layout because this is related to 2 different specs: path() is defined in CSS Shapes, and clip-path is defined in CSS Masking.

Component: CSS Transitions and Animations → Layout

I intend to ship this after soft code freeze (i.e. Firefox 71). However, devtools team won't support this for now.

Do you know what the CSS Working Group thinks about the feature's readiness to ship?

(In reply to David Baron :dbaron: 🏴󠁵󠁳󠁣󠁡󠁿 ⌚UTC-7 from comment #9)

Do you know what the CSS Working Group thinks about the feature's readiness to ship?

No. I don't know. I didn't find the discussion about its readiness to ship. I only see the issue and git commit which adds path() in [css-shapes-2], and some people mentioned path() during the discussing of d attribute in svgwg #320.

It seems the git commit of adding path() didn't update the description of <basic-shape> in [css-shapes-2]. Perhaps they forgot. IMO, this spec should be updated to let the description of <basic-shape> also include <path>, to avoid confusing people. I can file a spec issue for this.

Sorry, I'm not 100% sure when can we ship this. So should I hold these patches until we get the decision or any update from the CSS Working Group about path()?

Seems worth filing two issues: the first on the definition of <basic-shape> in shapes-2, and the other asking what the group thinks of shipping path() (pointing out that one implementation is already shipping it).

I see. Thanks for the suggestion.

(In reply to Cameron McCormack (:heycam) from comment #14)

It was resolved we can ship this.

Great! Thanks!

Pushed by
Ship clip-path:path(). r=emilio
Add more tests for clip-path:path(). r=emilio
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Upstream web-platform-tests status checks passed, PR will merge once commit reaches central.
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla71
Upstream PR merged by moz-wptsync-bot
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