
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. We deliver life-saving assistance, help safeguard fundamental human rights, and develop solutions that ensure people have a safe place called home where they can build a better future. We also work to ensure that stateless people are granted a nationality. We work in over 130 countries, using our expertise to protect and care for millions. UNHCR’s greatest asset is our workforce. We work with passionate, talented and creative individuals who want to use their skills for good. Thanks to people like you, we can develop solutions that enable people who have been forced to flee to restart their lives and build better futures. Current Opportunities Meet UNHCR Staff ⚠️ Important notice: Our protection work extends to online spaces, which means we may hide/delete comments with hate/spam/profanity/misinfo/disinfo.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Refugee Protection, Humanitarians Assistance, Emergency Response und Human Rights


Beschäftigte von UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency


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    Portrait of a Congolese family in front of their shelter in Tanzania before leaving for a new life in the United States. 📸 The Ekyambas are a refugee family from the DR Congo who have found safety in the Nyarugusu refugee camp. They are now awaiting confirmation of their final departure date to the USA for resettlement. Resettlement is a process that enables vulnerable refugees to relocate to another country with a legal status ensuring international protection and ultimately permanent residence. Despite it being a lifesaving and life-changing solution, resettlement places are available for fewer and fewer refugees globally. At the same time, resettlement needs continue to grow every year because of conflicts, protracted displacement situations, climate change and more. In 2025, half a million more refugees are expected to be in need of resettlement compared to last year. We continue to urge States for more resettlement places. Find out more: 📸 © UNHCR/Sishuo Zhu

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    What makes a good decision?🤔 From gathering crucial data to balancing big-picture impacts with minute details, Neha Bhat shares what goes into making good decisions in complex scenarios. #HumanitariansAtWork #StaffSpotlight

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    Integrity, Risk Management & Data Protection at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

    When I first started out conducting Refugee Status Determination interviews, one of my supervisors told me, ‘always remember that you will do many such interviews in your life, but for the refugee sitting in front of you, this may be their only interview.’ This interaction defined in large part not just my work ethic, but also my approach to a fundamental life skill— one that you only learn by doing repeatedly. Making good decisions. Making good decisions is hard. Making good decisions where individual rights are at stake, is harder. In RSD, the process of decision-making feels additionally challenging, because it’s acutely situational— no two decisions are ever exactly the same. A decade and more later, this is what I have learnt about good decision making: 1.      A good decision is an obvious decision. A good decision is logical, easy, and straightforward. It is not a decision that lacks complexity or is risk free. However, when all the facts and information relevant to the decision making are available to you, the decision speaks for itself. If you find yourself wavering between ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ pondering behind a particular choice, or debating whether to act at all, you’re dealing with a decision that isn’t immediately obvious but rather counterfactual. 2.      Ask the right questions. ‘Data’ is the fulcrum of good decision making. To gather this data, you need to ask questions. It helps you assess not only what you must decide, but how much information you have about what you are going to decide. If by the time you have answered your 5Ws – who, what, when, where, why (& how), your decision is not obvious, chances are, no amount of additional data will make it so.   3.      Think big and small, simultaneously. In the 1980s, American Airlines reportedly saved USD 40,000 in one year by removing one single olive from each salad plate served in first class. It was a decision that skillfully navigated complexity and harmonized the macro perspective (cost saving) with the micro shifts (will passengers notice if one olive is missing from their salad?) By integrating systems thinking and the concept of ‘unit of change,' the impact of granular level shifts on macrostructures can be easily visualized, allowing for better decision making. Looking to enhance your decision making techniques as #humanitariansatwork? These are my current go-to   Warren Buffett’s 1989 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders:

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    There have always been droughts and floods in Sudan and South Sudan. In fact, Nyapuot’s eldest son Gatkiet is named after his grandfather, who was born during flood time. “In our culture, it means a dam to stop the flood.” However, this rainy season in Sudan is expected to be the worst in decades — and refugee families like Nyapuot’s are extremely vulnerable. We urgently need your support to prevent the floods from affecting displaced families. Please donate if you can:

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    This week, Saifurahman and his family celebrated the birth of their granddaughter Roqia. Two days later, he was mourning the death of 11 family members, including a son, and his baby granddaughter, who was just three days old. What caused this catastrophic loss? Heavy rains and flash floods that suddenly hit central and eastern Afghanistan. Saifurahman’s relatives were killed when the roof of their home collapsed due to the heavy rain and wind. “We did everything we could to try to save lives. I have a lot of pain… My house was destroyed, and I am now homeless. I cannot rebuild my home – I cannot afford it. We need assistance,” he says. Please donate now to support flood victims like Saifurahman:

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