African Development Bank Group

African Development Bank Group

International Trade and Development

Making a Difference.

About us

The African Development Bank Group’s mission is to help reduce poverty, improve living conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for the continent’s economic and social development. With this objective in mind, the institution aims at assisting African countries – individually and collectively - in their efforts to achieve sustainable economic development and social progress. Combating poverty is at the heart of the continent’s efforts to attain sustainable economic growth. To this end, the Bank seeks to stimulate and mobilize internal and external resources to promote investments as well as provide its regional member countries with technical and financial assistance.

International Trade and Development
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Government Agency
Finance, Development, and Climate Action


Employees at African Development Bank Group


  • L'Union des #Comores a célébré l'inauguration de la route nationale 2 (RN2), un projet de 30 millions de dollars financé entièrement par la Banque africaine de développement. Le président comorien, Azali Assoumani, et le président de la Banque, Akinwumi Adesina, ont inauguré cette route longue de 49,2 kilomètres qui permettra d’améliorer la qualité de vie des populations sur l’île principale de l'archipel. Ce nouvel axe routier contribuera aussi à renforcer le potentiel des infrastructures de transport, dont le pays a résolument besoin pour servir de catalyseur à son développement économique. Lors de l'inauguration, le président Assoumani a salué le soutien apporté à l'achèvement de la route et a remercié M. Adesina pour sa présence à cette cérémonie. « Nous sommes des partenaires permanents. C’est grâce à la Banque africaine de développement et à l’intervention de son président, mon cher frère, Akinwumi Adesina, que nous avons construit cette route. Nous ne devons cesser de le remercier et de l’encourager », a salué M. Assoumani. Pour en savoir plus : #Infrastructures

  • The African Development Bank’s Urban and Municipal Development Fund (UMDF) expands its hashtag #AfricanCities Program to cover six new cities across the continent. UMDF will provide funding for each of the selected cities over several months, including a detailed analysis of the strengths and vulnerabilities, especially regarding economic, social, climate, and gender issues. The goal is to identify transformative infrastructure projects that can attract public and private sector investments. The Bank launched the Fund in 2019 in response to growing demand from countries and cities for urban development support. It receives contributions from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the governments of Denmark, Spain, and Switzerland, as well as the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency. Details on which cities will benefit from the program:

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  • La Banque africaine de développement lance la solution #informatique RASME au #Maroc pour moderniser la supervision des projets de #développement.    « Avec RASME, la collecte de données sur les projets gagne en rapidité, en efficacité et en coût. Plus rapide sera le déploiement de nos futures opérations et meilleure sera leur conception » a souligné ACHRAF TARSIM, responsable-pays de la Banque pour le Maroc.   Cette initiative permettra d'améliorer la gestion des projets grâce à des données en temps réel, facilitant ainsi la prise de décision.   Plus de 80 participants étaient réunis pour suivre un atelier de formation de quatre jours afin de découvrir cette nouvelle technologie.   Pour en savoir plus : #TransitionNumérique

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  • Le portefeuille souverain de la Banque africaine de développement garde la tête du classement de l’Indice de transparence de l’aide 2024 établi par l'organisation Publish What You Fund (« Publiez ce que vous financez »). Le portefeuille de la Banque devance 50 institutions de développement internationales, avec une note inédite de 98,8 sur 100.    « Nous félicitons la Banque africaine de développement. Il s’agit là d’un résultat couronnant une attention constante apportée à la transparence, d’un engagement significatif envers le processus de l’Indice de transparence de l’aide et d’un engagement proactif auprès de la communauté de l’IITA (Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide) », a salué Gary Forster, le PDG de Publish What You Fund. M. Forster a ajouté que l'organisation était impressionnée par l’investissement de la Banque dans Map Africa, un portail qui aide les parties prenantes à localiser les différents projets et à s’informer à leur sujet.   « Cette reconnaissance témoigne une fois de plus de notre engagement à améliorer en permanence la divulgation des montants de l’aide par la fourniture de données cohérentes, de grande qualité et facilement accessibles », a déclaré Akinwumi Adesina, le président du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement.   Pour en savoir plus sur le #2024Index, consultez :

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  • African Development Bank approves ZAR 18.85 billion ($1 billion) loan to Transnet, South Africa’s major freight and logistics company, for its recovery and growth plans. The 25-year loan, fully guaranteed by the government of #SouthAfrica, will facilitate the first phase of the company’s ZAR 152.8 ($8.1 billion) five-year capital investment plan to improve its existing capacity ahead of expansion for the priority segments throughout the transport value chain. African Development Bank’s Vice President for Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialisation Solomon Adegbie-Quaynor, emphasised the significance of this support: “Transnet, the custodian of South Africa's critical transport and logistics infrastructure, plays an indispensable role in the economy of the country, ensuring a competitive freight system and serving as a gateway to the SADC region. This initiative signifies our commitment to enhancing national logistics capabilities and driving sustainable economic growth.” In addition to the corporate loan, the African Development Bank is contemplating two targeted grants, including $750,000 in technical support from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa to improve energy efficiency and associated measures, and $1 million from the Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility of the New Partnership, for Africa’s Development for technical assistance to help accelerate railway reforms and address structural and regulatory inefficiencies. “We appreciate the support demonstrated by the African Development Bank, the loan extended by the bank will make a significant contribution to Transnet’s capital investment plan to stabilise and improve the rail network and to contribute to the broader South African economy. The accompanying grant funding to the loan will also greatly assist Transnet with its energy efficiency efforts and with Infrastructure Project Preparation initiatives,” said Michelle Phillips, Group Chief Executive of Transnet SOC Ltd. More details on the loan approval: #IntegrateAfrica

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  • Despite 95% of South Sudan’s land being suitable for #agriculture, only 4.5% is currently being utilised. The country faces severe food insecurity, with more than 7.1 million people struggling to access sufficient and nutritious food.   To help boost agricultural productivity, improve food security and enhance South Sudan’s resilience, the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group has approved a $46.2 million grant towards a project to be implemented over six years, from September 2024 to December 2030.   It will comprise of four main components:   ➡️ Large-scale deployment of climate-smart technologies and production systems;  ➡️ Strengthening the priority value chains of businesses led by women and young people;  ➡️ Promoting digital agricultural and climate advisory solutions;  ➡️ Developing professional, technical and entrepreneurial skills to create more jobs for women and young people. Themba Bhebhe, the Bank Group’s Country Manager for South Sudan, highlighted the programme’s broader impact: “Developing digitalisation and professional skills will create 179,200 direct jobs, including 50 percent for women and 60 percent for young people. The project’s combined results will help improve food security and nutrition and increase household incomes in the target areas.”   The project will be implemented by the FAO and the country’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.    Learn more: #FeedAfrica #ClimateResilience

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  • Strengthening Africa’s Maritime Sector through Connectivity The African Development Bank successfully concluded a two-day workshop on implementing the African Ports Connectivity Portal Project (APC-PP), aimed at improving data collection and connectivity among Africa’s ports.    Held in #Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the workshop brought together key stakeholders from various organisations, including the African Union Commission and ports authorities from ten African countries.   Supported by a $2 million grant from the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF), the project aims to create a comprehensive ports data book, offering performance data for Africa’s ports and maritime #transport sector, along with practical information on the continent’s leading ports. Additionally, the project will develop a secure web-based tool for collecting, storing, and retrieving ports data across the continent.    Masahide Marco Yamaguchi, Division Manager, Transport and Logistics at the African Development Bank, described the envisioned portal as “a tool for optimising port operations to facilitate intra-African trade, enhance security and transparency, and promote sustainable development."   The initiative will address longstanding inefficiencies in African ports operations which have historically led to higher #logistics costs and hindered economic growth.   Learn more about this project: #IntegrateAfrica

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    Le #Maroc et la Banque africaine de développement signent des accords de financement en faveur de l’éducation, des infrastructures et de l’environnement.    Ces financements, d'un montant total de 604 millions d’euros, permettront de mettre en œuvre des programmes visant à dynamiser les universités, à améliorer la compétitivité territoriale et à développer de manière durable les zones forestières.   « Ces quatre nouveaux projets auront un impact important. Les opérateurs économiques bénéficieront d’un meilleur climat des affaires, de compétences plus adaptées à leurs besoins et d’une plus grande mobilité et fluidité sur le plan logistique qui les rendra plus compétitifs. Le tout dans une approche respectueuse de l’environnement », a déclaré ACHRAF TARSIM, responsable du bureau pays de la Banque pour le Maroc.   Plus d'info : #TransformationDigitale #DéveloppementDurable

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  • African Development Bank President Adesina to address 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the African Union in #Ghana on Sunday. The summit comes at a critical juncture for Africa, as the continent continues to push for greater economic and political cooperation among its nations and international partners. Key items on the agenda include assessing the status of regional integration in #Africa, evaluating the AU's early warning and conflict prevention mechanisms, and promoting cooperation among regional economic communities to accelerate integration. Details: #IntegrateAfrica

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  • Have you visited our #MapAfrica platform? The revamped interactive geocoding portal shows you exactly where the African Development Bank is making an impact on the continent. “The AfDB’s desire to provide useful and timely data doesn’t end with what we measure in the Index, we’re also impressed by their investment in Map Africa – a portal which helps stakeholders locate and learn about individual projects,” said Publish What You Fund’s CEO Gary Forster, on the African Development Bank’s sovereign portfolio once again claiming the top spot in the 2024 Aid Transparency Index. By clicking through you’ll be taken on a visual journey through our 5,000+ transformative projects – across more than 17,000 locations – that are boosting Africa’s economies and making the lives of Africans better. Zoom in closer and you’ll be able to see how the Bank’s projects relate to its “High 5” development priorities – #PowerAfrica, #FeedAfrica, #IndustrialiseAfrica, #IntegrateAfrica, and Improve the quality of life for Africans – at local, national, and regional levels. Discover the new integrated platform: #2024Index #TransparencyIndex

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