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Ned Smith

Ned Smith is a Principal Security Architect in Intel’s Open Technology Center developing trusted computing technologies. He developed the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) security specification for IoT devices and was a security architect for Intel® vPro™ and related security technologies. He co-chairs the Attestation work group in the TCG and previously co-chaired the Trusted Computing Group’s (TCG) Infrastructure and Trusted Network Communication (TNC) working groups. He developed the Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) reference implementation and specification in The Open Group. He holds over 150 US patents. He received Intel’s Top Inventor award in 2016 and 2019. He is an author of “Demystifying Internet of Things Security”, APress Publishers, August 2019.


Role Group Email
Chair Remote ATtestation ProcedureS (rats)
Reviewer Security Area Directorate (secdir)

RFCs (1)

RFC Date Title Cited by
RFC 9334 Jan 2023 Remote ATtestation procedureS (RATS) Architecture 2 RFCs

Active Internet-Drafts (5)

Expired Internet-Drafts (10)

(Excluding replaced Internet-Drafts.)

Internet-Draft Activity