DEV Community


Once relegated to the browser as one of the 3 core technologies of the web, JavaScript can now be found almost anywhere you find code. JavaScript developers move fast and push software development forward; they can be as opinionated as the frameworks they use, so let's keep it clean here and make it a place to learn from each other!


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What is a WeakMap in JavaScript?

What is a WeakMap in JavaScript?

3 min read
15 Short & Sweet JavaScript Snippets

15 Short & Sweet JavaScript Snippets

2 min read
WeakSet in JS?

WeakSet in JS?

2 min read
useState is not always the correct answer❌

useState is not always the correct answer❌

2 min read
Dive into Web Designing Basics with My New GitHub Repository

Dive into Web Designing Basics with My New GitHub Repository

1 min read
Testing React Applications with Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

Testing React Applications with Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

4 min read
shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 3.0

shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 3.0

4 min read
Top 3 Best React Books 2024

Top 3 Best React Books 2024

2 min read
#Mobile Application Development in React Native

#Mobile Application Development in React Native

2 min read


5 min read
Vue.js da "watch" ning vazifasi va qanday ishlaydi ?

Vue.js da "watch" ning vazifasi va qanday ishlaydi ?

2 min read
Building a Chat Application with Ollama's Llama 3 Model Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

Building a Chat Application with Ollama's Llama 3 Model Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

3 min read
Running and Creating Your Own LLMs Locally with Node.js API using Ollama

Running and Creating Your Own LLMs Locally with Node.js API using Ollama

2 min read
JavaScript dasturlash tili o'zi nima?

JavaScript dasturlash tili o'zi nima?

4 min read
Event Loop in JavaScript: How it Works and Why it Matters

Event Loop in JavaScript: How it Works and Why it Matters

5 min read
Mastering the Art of Responsive Accordion Interfaces: A Project-Based Course

Mastering the Art of Responsive Accordion Interfaces: A Project-Based Course

3 min read
New Repository on GitHub, WebFormsJS is Here!

New Repository on GitHub, WebFormsJS is Here!

7 min read
Understanding Callback Functions with a Practical Example

Understanding Callback Functions with a Practical Example

2 min read
Hello Dev Community! My Journey into Software Development

Hello Dev Community! My Journey into Software Development

3 min read
What is a Set in JS?

What is a Set in JS?

2 min read
How to Create a Scalable Folder/File Structure for Your Express Application

How to Create a Scalable Folder/File Structure for Your Express Application

3 min read
Seeking Help: Adding Real-Time Notifications to My Social Media App! 📱

Seeking Help: Adding Real-Time Notifications to My Social Media App! 📱

1 min read
WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

WebRTC SFU: the complete Guide.

7 min read
How to Structure Your Backend Code in Node.js (Express.js)

How to Structure Your Backend Code in Node.js (Express.js)

4 min read
பைத்தான் பயிற்சி வகுப்பின் மூலம் விளையாட்டு நிரல் எழுத முடிந்து

பைத்தான் பயிற்சி வகுப்பின் மூலம் விளையாட்டு நிரல் எழுத முடிந்து

1 min read
Data-Driven Testing in Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

Data-Driven Testing in Cypress: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min read
ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

ES6 Destructuring in Typescript

2 min read
Creating and Editing Web Content with a Distraction-Free Rich Text HTML Editor Software

Creating and Editing Web Content with a Distraction-Free Rich Text HTML Editor Software

6 min read
Angular VS React

Angular VS React

12 min read
Top 7 Tips for Managing State in JavaScript Applications 🌟

Top 7 Tips for Managing State in JavaScript Applications 🌟

3 min read
Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

2 min read
Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

Deciphering the Origins: Why the DOM is called the DOM?

2 min read
How to Validate Array of Strings using Yup

How to Validate Array of Strings using Yup

3 min read
Mejorando Sigma

Mejorando Sigma

2 min read
Jest Recap: Safely Mock Properties and Methods of Global Objects

Jest Recap: Safely Mock Properties and Methods of Global Objects

3 min read
Jest Recap: What Runs When?

Jest Recap: What Runs When?

3 min read
Step-by-Step Tutorial: Create a React Vite Project in 7 Easy Steps

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Create a React Vite Project in 7 Easy Steps

3 min read
Improving Web Performance: Tips and Tools for Faster Websites

Improving Web Performance: Tips and Tools for Faster Websites

1 min read
How to Implement Dark/Light Themes in Your Web Apps 00:08

How to Implement Dark/Light Themes in Your Web Apps

4 min read
Como Receber Mensagens no Discord com Cloudflare Functions

Como Receber Mensagens no Discord com Cloudflare Functions

3 min read
ExpandableText Components

ExpandableText Components

1 min read
Step-by-Step Instructions to Create an Expense Tracker

Step-by-Step Instructions to Create an Expense Tracker

3 min read
How to Create Successful SaaS Products: 9 Essential Tips

How to Create Successful SaaS Products: 9 Essential Tips

3 min read
Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Hashnode API for Developers

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Hashnode API for Developers

6 min read
How to Get Started with Open Source Contributions

How to Get Started with Open Source Contributions

4 min read
Integrating JWT with Firebase for Secure Google Authentication in React Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

Integrating JWT with Firebase for Secure Google Authentication in React Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

6 min read
Enhancing Website Performance with Intersection Observer

Enhancing Website Performance with Intersection Observer

3 min read
How Vanilla JS is unscalable, and how can you...

How Vanilla JS is unscalable, and how can you...

4 min read
A little whiff of Cybersecurity

A little whiff of Cybersecurity

5 min read
A Guide to Master JavaScript Arrays

A Guide to Master JavaScript Arrays

5 min read
Data Collection in JS

Data Collection in JS

2 min read
Shims in Web Development

Shims in Web Development

1 min read
Preventing Supply Chain Attacks in JavaScript

Preventing Supply Chain Attacks in JavaScript

2 min read
Exploring the Exciting New Additions in React 19

Exploring the Exciting New Additions in React 19

3 min read
About Driver.js

About Driver.js

1 min read
What is the difference between a nut and a seed?

What is the difference between a nut and a seed?

1 min read
Ativando o Dark Mode em React.js com SCSS Modules 🌙

Ativando o Dark Mode em React.js com SCSS Modules 🌙

3 min read
30 React Example Projects to Learn From (Open-source, Beginner-Advanced Level)

30 React Example Projects to Learn From (Open-source, Beginner-Advanced Level)

8 min read
shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 2.15

shadcn-ui/ui codebase analysis: How does shadcn-ui CLI work? — Part 2.15

4 min read
Hacks and Tricks to Monitor and Optimize Google Core Web Vitals

Hacks and Tricks to Monitor and Optimize Google Core Web Vitals

3 min read