在 iOS 应用中访问 Google API

某些 Google 服务(例如云端硬盘、Gmail 等)提供了公共 API,您可以使用这些 API 创建应用来帮助用户在这些服务中处理其数据。若要访问这些服务,应用必须实现其中一个 OAuth 2.0 客户端流程,以征求用户的同意并获取访问令牌,进而授予对 API 的访问权限。

您可以使用 Google 登录���,���库为您实现 OAuth 2.0 流程,以获取已登录用户的访问令牌。


您必须完成基本 Google 登录集成

1. 查看已授予哪些范围

在调用某个 Google API 之前,请使用 GIDGoogleUsergrantedScopes 属性检查已向您的应用授予哪些范围:


let driveScope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly"
let grantedScopes = user.grantedScopes
if grantedScopes == nil || !grantedScopes!.contains(driveScope) {
  // Request additional Drive scope.


NSString *driveScope = @"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly";

// Check if the user has granted the Drive scope
if (![user.grantedScopes containsObject:driveScope]) {
  // request additional drive scope


2. 请求其他范围

如果您需要请求额外的范围,请调用 addScopes:presentingViewController:completionaddScopes:presentingWindow:completion,要求用户向您的应用授予额外的访问权限。



let additionalScopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly"]
guard let currentUser = GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.currentUser else {
    return ;  /* Not signed in. */

currentUser.addScopes(additionalScopes, presenting: self) { signInResult, error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    guard let signInResult = signInResult else { return }

    // Check if the user granted access to the scopes you requested.


NSArray *additionalScopes = @[ @"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly" ];
GIDGoogleUser *currentUser = GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.currentUser;

[currentUser addScopes:additionalScopes
                         completion:^(GIDSignInResult * _Nullable signInResult,
                                      NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) { return; }
    if (signInResult == nil) { return; }

    // Check if the user granted access to the scopes you requested.

3. 使用新令牌进行 API 调用

为了确保您的 Google API 调用始终附加有未过期的访问令牌,请将调用封装在 refreshTokensIfNeededWithCompletion: 块中:


currentUser.refreshTokensIfNeeded { user, error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    guard let user = user else { return }

    // Get the access token to attach it to a REST or gRPC request.
    let accessToken = user.accessToken.tokenString

    // Or, get an object that conforms to GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol for
    // use with GTMAppAuth and the Google APIs client library.
    let authorizer = user.fetcherAuthorizer()


[currentUser refreshTokensIfNeededWithCompletion:^(
                              GIDGoogleUser * _Nullable user,
                              NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error) { return; }
    if (user == nil) { return; }

    // Get the access token to attach it to a REST or gRPC request.
    NSString *accessToken = user.accessToken.tokenString;

    // Or, get an object that conforms to GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol for
    // use with GTMAppAuth and the Google APIs client library.
    id<GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol> authorizer = [user fetcherAuthorizer];

通过将访问令牌添加到 REST 或 gRPC 请求的标头 (Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN) 中,或者将提取程序授权程序与 Google API 客户端库结合使用,使用访问令牌调用 API。