Discounted egress from Google

Fastly has partnered with Google to provide an integration between Fastly and Google services. Specifically, the integration allows you to connect Google's Cloud Platform service directly to Fastly's content delivery network services via private network interconnections (direct PNIs), thus speeding up your content delivery and optimizing backend workload.

When you sign up for Fastly services and configure a Google Cloud Platform service as your origin server, you designate a specific point of presence (POP) to serve as an Origin Shield that handles cached content from their servers.

Requests from Fastly POPs to these specific interconnect locations are routed over Fastly's network, leveraging optimized TCP connection handling, quick-start, and opened connections to enable fast response times between POPs and through to the end-user. Fastly ensures requests go directly to the Origin Shield instead of the origin servers. Only requests that the entire network has never handled will go back to the Google Cloud Platform service.


We encourage you to read Google's CDN interconnect pricing. Despite this connection to Fastly’s services being in place, in certain circumstances your data may egress from Google over the public internet rather than via the private network interconnection. In such cases, your traffic to the public internet will be metered according to your commercial arrangement with Google.

This article describes an integration with a service provided by a third party. Read our note on integrations for details.

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