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Affichage des métriques d'utilisation pour GitHub Actions

Les métriques d'utilisation de GitHub Actions fournissent des insights sur la façon dont votre organisation utilise des ressources pour ses pipelines CI/CD.

Qui peut utiliser cette fonctionnalité ?

Organization owners and users with the "View organization Actions usage metrics" permission.

Your organization must be on a GitHub Enterprise Cloud plan.


GitHub Actions usage metrics are in beta and subject to change.

About GitHub Actions usage metrics

GitHub Actions usage metrics enable you to analyze how your organization is using Actions minutes. You can view usage information related to:

  • Workflows. View usage data for each workflow in your organization, and use this information to identify opportunities for optimization, such as refactoring a workflow or using a larger runner.
  • Jobs. See which jobs are the most resource-intensive and where they are running.
  • Repositories. Get a high-level snapshot of each repository in your organization and their volume of Actions minutes usage.
  • Runtime OS. Understand how runners for each operating system are using Actions minutes and what types of operating systems your workflows are running on most often.
  • Runner type. Compare how your self-hosted runners and GitHub-hosted runners use Actions minutes and the volume of workflow runs for each type of runner.

GitHub Actions usage metrics do not apply minute multipliers to the metrics displayed. While they can help you understand your bill, their primary purpose is to help you understand how and where Actions minutes are being used in your organization.

For more information about minute multipliers, see "About billing for GitHub Actions."

Enabling access to GitHub Actions usage metrics

Organization owners can create custom organization roles to allow people to view GitHub Actions usage metrics for their organization. To provide users with access, select the "View organization Actions usage metrics" role when creating a custom organization role. For more information, see "About custom organization roles."

Viewing GitHub Actions usage metrics

  1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.

  2. Click the name of your organization.

  3. Under your organization name, click Insights.

    Screenshot of the horizontal navigation bar for an organization. A tab, labeled with a graph icon and "Insights," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. In the "Insights" navigation menu, click Actions Usage Metrics.

  5. Optionally, to select a time period to view usage metrics for, choose an option from the Period drop down menu at the top right of the page.

  6. Click on the tab that contains the usage metrics you would like to view. For more information, see "About GitHub Actions usage metrics."

  7. Optionally, to filter the data displayed in a tab, create a filter.

    1. Click on the Filter button.
    2. Click Add a filter.
    3. Choose a metric you would like to filter results by.
    4. Depending on the metric you chose, fill out information in the "Qualifier," "Operator," and "Value" columns.
    5. Optionally, click Add a filter to add another filter.
    6. Click Apply.
  8. Optionally, to download usage metrics to a CSV file, click .