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  • Support iOS, tvOS, macOS and Android platform
  • Support live and VOD streams over HLS protocol and MPEG-Dash(Android only)
  • Support encrypted HLS stream
  • Support cache to avoid repeating the download of TS file
  • Very easy to integrate with an existing flutter project
  • Support any flutter player
  • Efficient scheduling policies to enhance the performance of P2P streaming
  • Compatible with all CDNs, agnostic to DRM and video codecs. No service side changes required.
  • Use IP database to group up peers by ISP and regions


Dart SDK version >= 3.1.2

Flutter version >= 3.7.0
Android: Kitkat 4.1(API level >= 16)
iOS: 13.0+
macOS: 10.15+

Get Token

See here


  • Can not serve more than one video stream at the same time
  • LL-HLS is not supported currently