
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Purdue University

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Edition of 1920. See also Purdue University on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1540151The Encyclopedia Americana — Purdue University

PURDUE UNIVERSITY, the Indiana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, is located at Lafayette, Ind. It was established under the land grant act of Congress in 1862 and in 1869 was named for John Purdue, who gave $150,000 and 100 acres of land to the State for the institution. It was first opened to students in 1874. Its present organization includes seven schools: (1) the School of Mechanical Engineering; (2) the School of Civil Engineering; (3) the School of Electrical Engineering; (4) the School of Chemical Engineering; (5) School of Agriculture; (6) the School of Science; (7) the School of Pharmacy. All of these offer regular courses extending over four years and leading to the bachelor's degree. The School of Pharmacy also offers a two years' course and the School of Agriculture a special short winter course. The degree of bachelor of science is conferred in all departments. Graduate work is provided for leading to the degrees of master of science, master of science in agriculture, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer and chemical engineer. Under the Federal law establishing the institution, instruction in military science and tactics is required of all male students during the first two years. The institution is coeducational, women enrolling in the schools of science, pharmacy and agriculture. The institution owns about 1,000 acres of land, of which 600 are adjacent to its buildings and used for campus and experimental farm purposes. There are 24 principal buildings, including a library, erected in 1913, and the university auditorium, a gift of Eliza Fowler. An important feature of the institution is its series of laboratories, all well equipped with modern scientific appliances. The engineering plant is particularly complete, including a locomotive testing plant, the first of its kind to be installed. The library contains about 60,000 volumes and pamphlets, mostly of scientific and technical character. Tuition is free for residents of the State. The income of the university is derived from the land grant fund of 1862, from subsequent Federal appropriations, from the State mileage tax, from student fees, etc. The total income of the institution for all purposes for the year ending 30 June 1916 was $972,233. Its property, buildings and equipment has an estimated value of $2,400,000. The number of students enrolled for the year ending June 1916 was 2,398, of which over 1,900 were in college classes in courses leading to degrees. Co-ordinated with the departments of instruction are the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Department of Agricultural Extension, maintained by Federal and State appropriations, the former concerned with agricultural research and the latter with the diffusion of knowledge on agricultural subjects to the people of the State. The university ranks high among schools of technology and holds an influential place in the educational system of the State.