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SaaS Starter Kit

The Open Source Turbo SaaS boilerplate.

Please star �� the repo if you want us to continue developing and improving the SaaS Starter Kit! 😀


  • Colocation
  • Modularized code
  • Simplicity for DX

🛠️ Built With

  • Next.js This is a React framework that provides features such as server-side rendering and static site generation. It's used for building the user interface of your application. The main configuration for Next.js can be found in next.config.js.
  • Tailwind CSS This is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. It's used for styling the application. The configuration for Tailwind CSS can be found in postcss.config.js.
  • Postgres This is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It's used for storing application data. The connection to Postgres is likely managed through Prisma.
  • React This is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's used for creating the interactive elements of your application. The React components are located in the components directory.
  • Drizzle Drizzle ORM is a headless TypeScript ORM with a head 🐲. It’s the only ORM with both relational and SQL-like query APIs, providing you best of both worlds when it comes to accessing your relational data. Drizzle is lightweight, performant, typesafe, non lactose, gluten-free, sober, flexible and serverless-ready by design.
  • TypeScript This is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It's used to make the code more robust and maintainable. TypeScript definitions and configurations can be found in files like next-env.d.ts and i18next.d.ts.
  • Stripe (Provides Payments) This is a service for handling payments. It's used to process payments for the application. The integration of Stripe is likely found in the files associated with billing and subscriptions.
  • Playwright (Provides E2E tests) This is a Node.js library for automating browsers. It's used to run end-to-end tests on the application. The Playwright configuration and tests can be found in the tests directory.
  • Docker (Provides Docker Compose) This is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It's used to containerize the application and its dependencies. The Docker configuration can be found in the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.
  • NextAuth.js (Provides Authentication) This is a complete open-source authentication solution for Next.js applications. It's used to handle user authentication and authorization. The NextAuth.js configuration and providers can be found in the pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts file.

🚀 Deployment

Deploy with Vercel

✨ Getting Started

Please follow these simple steps to get a local copy up and running.


  • Node.js (Version: >=18.x)
  • PNPM


1. Setup

  • Fork the repository
  • Clone the repository by using this command:
git clone<your_github_username>/saas-template.git

2. Go to the project folder

cd saas-template

3. Install dependencies

pnpm install --frozen-lockfile

4. Configure Vercel

  1. Create vercel account
  2. Create project
  3. Disable Automatically expose System Environment Variables
  4. Get values for repo .env file
  5. Duplicate .env.example to .env and add values.
cp .env.example .env

5. Set up your apps/portal .env.local file

  1. Configure all providers and get values
  2. Add the env vars on each environment
  • Preview
  • Development
  • Production
  1. Fetch env vars
pnpm env:{preview / dev / prod}

6. Start the server

In a development environment:

pnpm dev

7. Start the Drizzle Studio or Connect to Neon

Drizzle Studio is a visual editor for the data in your database.

pnpm db:studio

7. Testing

pnpm test
pnpm test:server
# pnpm test:integration SOON!
# pnpm test:e2e SOON!

🚀 Apps and Packages


  • @app/portal: Main Web Portal with authorization for Admins and Users. Built with Next.js.
  • @app/portal-e2e: E2E test repo for Portal app. Built with Playwright


  • @package/auth: authentication module. Built with Auth.js.
  • @package/analytics: analytics focused module. Built with Analytics.
  • @module/shared: shared code for all apps and packages.
  • @package/config: repo configuration files.
  • @package/database: portal database. Built with Drizzle
  • @module/dto: data transfer objects for portal app. Built with Zod
  • @package/eslint-config: eslint config files. Built with Eslint
  • @package/logger: shared external libraries that require some configuration and are reused in all apps and packages.
  • @package/stripe: module dedicated to stripe code. Built with Stripe.
  • @package/trpc: client server library settings for portal app. Built with Trpc.
  • @module/ui: a component library shared by all apps. Built with Shadcn/ui

🥇 Features

  • Create account
  • Sign in with Magic Link
  • Sign in with Google [Setting up Google OAuth]
  • Sign in with GitHub [Creating a Github OAuth App]
  • Internationalization
  • Dark mode
  • Roles and Permissions
  • Email notifications
  • E2E tests
  • Drizzle Studio
  • Payments
  • Security Headers
  • Unit and integration tests

🛡️ License

Apache 2.0 License


No releases published
