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Twitter Trends squad


  • Python 3.8.1
  • Python libraries
    • flask 1.1.1

    • Werkzeug 1.0.0

    • Jinja 2.11.1

    • MarkupSafe 1.1.1

    • ItsDangerous 1.1.0

    • Click 7.0

    • tweepy 3.8.0

    • requests 2.23.0

    • PySocks 1.7.1

    • certifi 2019.11.28

    • chardet 3.0.4

    • idna 2.9

    • oauthlib 3.1.0

    • requests-oauthlib 1.3.0

    • six 1.14.0

    • urllib3 1.25.8

    • searchtweets 1.7.4

    • pyyaml 5.3

    • tweet-parser 1.13.2

    • JsonForm 0.0.2

    • JsonSir 0.0.2

    • python-easyconfig 0.1.7

    • Resource 0.2.1

    • api 0.0.7

    • attrs 19.3.0

    • importlib_metadata 1.5.0

    • jsonschema 3.2.0

    • nose 1.3.7

    • pyrsistent 0.15.7

    • zipp 3.0.0

    • psycopg2 2.8.4

    • jsonify 0.5

    • The below libraries were installed at various points during project implementation and were added here from pip list just before the first/only project release:

    • flask-cors 3.0.8

    • numpy 1.18.2

    • newsapi-python 0.2.6

    • pillow 7.1.1

    • cycler 0.10.0

    • future 0.18.2

    • geographiclib 1.50

    • geopy 1.21.0

    • kiwisolver 1.2.0

    • matplotlib 3.2.1

    • pyparsing 2.4.7

    • python-dateutil 2.8.1

    • python-twitter 3.5

    • wordcloud 1.6.0

  • d3.js 5.15.0

The versions of Python, Python libraries, and Javascript libraries were selected as the most recent stable versions on 2020Feb19.