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(Rdx) Usage

Read Stanton edited this page May 22, 2024 · 4 revisions


SmartImage.Rdx is the cross-platform command-line form of SmartImage.

Argument Values Description
-h, --help Display help info
-v, --version Display version info
-e, --search-engines <engines...> Search engines (comma-delimited)
-p, --priority-engines <engines...> Priority engines (comma-delimited)
--read-cookies Reads browser cookies for more reliable search results (Firefox only)
--live Displays results in real-time as a table
-f, --output-format <format>: None, Delimited Output file format (comma-delimited)
-o, --output-file <filename> Output file format
-d, --output-delim <delimiter> Output file delimiter
--output-fields <fields...>: None, Name, Url, Similarity, Artist, Site Output fields (comma-delimited)
-x, --command-exe <path> Command/executable to invoke upon completion
-c, --command-args <args> Arguments to pass to command
--keep-open Ask confirmation before exiting


Input can either be a direct image URI or a file path. Standard input piping is also supported, in which case the input can either be a file path or binary image data.


Context menu

Context menu integration is supported on Linux and Windows.


sudo ./SmartImage integrate --ctx-menu <true/false>

Root permission is required for writing to /usr/share/applications.


./SmartImage integrate --ctx-menu <true/false>


SmartImage.Rdx is compatible with ShareX actions.


  1. Search by direct image URI, write results to output.csv

./SmartImage "" -o output.csv

  1. (Linux) Store file path in shell variable cx1 which is piped to SmartImage; reads cookies, priority engines is set to Auto, search engines are Artwork and Yandex.
neorenegade@localhost:/mnt/c/Users/Deci/$ echo -nE $cx1 | ./SmartImage --read-cookies -p Auto -e Artwork,Yandex
  1. (Windows) Read image bytes into variable $cx2 which is piped to SmartImage; reads cookies, priority engines is set to Auto, search engines are Artwork and Yandex.
$cx2=[System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($(Resolve-Path "..\..\Pictures\Art\Atago_final_1-3.png"))
$cx2|.\SmartImage.exe --read-cookies -p Auto -e Artwork,Yandex


Last updated: 2024-05-22 v1.0.5

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