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C++ working with Pointers, Vectors, Structures, and Dynamically Allocated Memory.

In this programming assignment I am resposible for building a program with pointers, vectors, structures and dynamically allocated memory.

Program Flow

  1. The program will read an input file named DailySales.txt where each line of the input file will contain the following information (there is an example of an input file below).

Product Id – string (7 characters max)

Number sold - integer (a negative value indicates the number returned).

The Product Id and Number sold are separated by a space.

  1. My program reads each item of the input file and does a linear search on a vector of ItemStruct pointers. (ItemStruct is defined below).

If the Product Id is NOT found in the vector of pointers, then I dynamically allocate an ItemStruct and populate the structure’s fields with the values from the input file and insert (using vector’s push_back function) the pointer to the dynamically allocated ItemStruct into the vector.

If the Product Id is found in the vector of pointers, then I the Number sold from the input file to the NumSold in the structure.

  1. After reaching the end of the input file, my program will write the Product Id’s and the total number of items sold (or returned) if the total number of items sold isn’t zero to a file named SummaryDailySales.txt.
Sample Input File		
C1567B4 3
D1668Y0 998
C1567B4 -1
D1668Y0 23
M3470K1 -12
X9718Q6 83
C1567B4 -2
M3470K1 -1
A4852T2 2
Prod ID  # Sold
-------  ------
D1668Y0    1021
M3470K1     -13
X9718Q6      83
A4852T2       2
Total      1093


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