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=============== Templates Admin

Templates Admin is a tiny, nifty application for your Django_ project to edit your templates, that are stored on your disk, via an admin interface.

Originally this app was inspired by dbtemplates_.

.. _Django: .. _dbtemplates:


  1. Put templatesadmin into your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  2. Create a group TemplateAdmins and put all users in there, who should been able to edit templates. You don't need to grant any permissions to that group. Just call it TemplateAdmins.

    Admins don't need to belong this group. The group name is case-sensitive!

  3. Make media/templatesadmin/ available in your MEDIA_PATH.

  4. Point your webbrowser to http://localhost/admin/templatesadmin/ and start editing.

Optional Settings:

There are some settings that you can override in your

  1. TEMPLATESADMIN_GROUP: The name of your group of your TemplatesAdmin Users.

    Default: TemplateAdmins

  2. TEMPLATESADMIN_VALID_FILE_EXTENSIONS: A tuple of file-extensions (without the leading dot) that are editable by TemplatesAdmin.


    TEMPLATESADMIN_VALID_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ( 'html', 'htm', 'txt', 'js', 'css', 'backup' )

  3. TEMPLATESADMIN_TEMPLATE_DIRS: A tuple of directories you want your users to edit, instead of all templates.

    Default: All user-defined and application template-dirs.

  4. TEMPLATEADMIN_USE_RICHEDITOR: A boolean to use rich CodeMirror - editor.

    Default: True

  5. TEMPLATESADMIN_HIDE_READONLY: A boolean to wether enable or disable displaying of read-only templates.

    Default: False

  6. TEMPLATESADMIN_EDITHOOKS: A tuple of callables edithooks. Edithooks are a way to interact with changes made on a template. Think of a plugin system.

    There are four builtin edithooks:

    • dotbackupfiles.DotBackupFilesHook: Creates a copy of the original file before overwriting, naming it <oldname>.backup.
    • gitcommit.GitCommitHook: Commits your templates after saving via git version control.
    • hgcommit.HgCommitHook: Creates a mercurial <>_ commit after saving.
    • svncommit.SvnCommitHook: Commits your templates after saving via svn.

    You can define your own edithooks, see above hooks as example.


    'templatesadmin.edithooks.dotbackupfiles.DotBackupFilesHook', )


This application is licensed under the Beerware License. See LICENSE for details.


v0.9 (2020)

  • Django 2.2 and python3 ready

v0.8 (2018-04-30)

  • Django 1.11 ready
  • Update CodeMirror to 5.37

v0.6.5 (2010-05-19)

  • Django 1.2 ready
  • Included Rich code editor ( with automatically syntax highlight.
  • Refactored to a Admin application.
  • Included a new CommitHook (SvnCommitHook)

v0.6 (2009-09-08)

  • Published under a proper BSD license.
  • The templates now inherits from the Django templates to provide a better look and feel.
  • A lot of overall improvements from typo fixing to better permission handling. Thanks to peritus and rlaager.

v0.5.5 (2009-02-13)

  • Documented that there is a edithook for mercurial repositories.
  • Bugfix in GitCommitHook: Allow non-ascii characters.

v0.5.4 (2009-02-13)

  • Fixed missing templatetags in pypi release.

v0.5.3 (2009-02-03)

  • Edit-Views now have an optional argument "base_form" to overwrite the default form.
  • Removed shorten-path functions. They didn't work under some conditions.
  • List of templates in the admin overview are shorter.

v0.5.2 (2008-12-12)

  • Added a edithook for dealing with mercurial repositories. Thank you v.oostveen! (Issue3_)
  • Fixed handling of newline characters at the end of the file, which causes to delete the last character. (Issue4_)

.. _Issue3: .. _Issue4:


A Django app to make minor changes to your templates on the fly.









  • Python 85.6%
  • HTML 14.4%