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This library was generated with Angular CLI version 10. This Module will help you to make a file uploader for your Angular project with firebase/firestorage. Now I made a little mix with the library of ngx-image-cropper to allow edit the images before upload them.


Use the package manager Npm to install this package.

npm install file-upload-firestorage@latest --save

You will need to instal the ngx-image-cropper additionaly.

npm install ngx-image-cropper@latest --save

And add AngularFire to your proyect in case you haven't

ng add @angular/fire


If you just need to use a file drop zone with no other extra function, you could install the V 0.2.0.

npm install file-upload-firestorage@0.2.0 --save


Make sure you have imported into your app.module.ts file.

import { FileUploadFirestorageModule } from 'file-upload-firestorage';    

Then, just use it in your html template using the tag

    [storagePath] = "'images'"

By default it will allow the user to upload image or any document files with no size restriction. I decided to make this as much customizable as I could.


The only required input is the storagePath


Name Type Default Description
storagePath string This is the firestorage path to save the image
maxSize number Define the max size of the file. Write it in Mb. Ex. 2
onlyType string You can restrict the file type separating them with a coma (,) Ex. image, pdf.
cropper boolean false Activate this option if you want enable the cropper tool.
cropperConfig cropperConfiguration See the next table with all availables options.
lang string en Change the language.

For the cropperConfiguration object. We use just some options of the original library of ngx-image-cropper. If you have some troubles with this options check their repository.

Name Type Default Description
aspectRatio number 1/1 The width / height ratio (e.g. 1/1 is square image , 4/3 ...)
maintainAspectRatio boolean true Keep width and height of cropped image equal according to the aspectRatio
containWithinAspectRatio boolean false When set to true, padding will be added around the image to make it fit to the aspect ratio
cropperMinHeight number 0(Disable)
cropperMinWidth number 0(Disable)
resizeToHeight number 0(Disable)
resizeToWidth number 0(Disable)
cropperStaticWidth number 0(Disable)
cropperStaticWidth number 0(Disable)


Name Type Default Description
res event This will return the locationPath and the thumbnail (Url) from firestorage.

You will obtain an object like this: event: { locationPath: string, thumbnail: string };


I will try to improve this library to make our lives easier in the future. Any suggestion can be made through my email or as a pull request to the repo.


Jose Invernón
