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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Dashboard Project Overview

I developed with my team a comprehensive dashboard using Next.js that caters to three distinct user roles: clients, employees, and superadmins. This project exemplifies my proficiency in building scalable, efficient, and user-friendly web applications. Here's a brief overview of the project:

Client Dashboard:

User Interface: Designed a clean and intuitive interface for clients to manage their profiles, view project updates, and communicate with support. Features: Clients can view their project status, access documents, and receive notifications about important updates.

Employee Dashboard:

Task Management: Developed functionalities for employees to view assigned tasks, update progress, and collaborate with team members. Time Tracking: Implemented a time tracking feature to log hours spent on tasks, enhancing productivity and accountability.

Superadmin Dashboard:

User Management: Provided superadmins with powerful tools to manage users, including creating, updating, and deleting client and employee accounts. Analytics and Reports: Built comprehensive analytics and reporting features to monitor project performance, employee productivity, and overall business metrics. Technical Highlights:

Next.js: Utilized Next.js to build a server-side rendered application, ensuring fast load times and improved SEO. State Management: Implemented efficient state management using Redux, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience. Material-UI: Used Material-UI for consistent and aesthetically pleasing UI components across the dashboard. Responsive Design: Ensured the dashboard is fully responsive, providing a smooth experience on both desktop and mobile devices. Authentication and Authorization: Implemented robust authentication and role-based authorization to secure the application and manage user access. This project demonstrates my ability to develop complex applications that meet diverse user needs while maintaining high performance and scalability







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