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Adds support for mapping properties using JSONPath queries with Newtonsoft.Json.


Install the package JsonExts.JsonPath from NuGet or install it from the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package JsonExts.JsonPath


Add [JsonPath(string)] to properties of your model and add [JsonConverter(typeof(JsonPathObjectConverter))] to your model.

Here's an example model:

public class Book
    public double Price { get; set; }

    public string Author { get; set; }

    public string FirstRelatedTitle { get; set; }

    public List<string> RelatedTitles { get; set; }

Example JSON being deserialized:

    "price": 10.0,
    "info": {
        "title": "Leviathan Wakes",
        "author": "James S. A. Corey",
        "related": [
            { "title": "Caliban's War" },
            { "title": "Abaddon's Gate" },
            { "title": "Cibola Burn" },
            { "title": "Nemesis Games" },
            { "title": "Babylon's Ashes" },
            { "title": "Persepolis Rising" },
            { "title": "Tiamat's Wrath" }

Deserialize the JSON to your model like normal using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject() or a JsonSerializer.

var book = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Book>(json);

Alternatively you can leave out the [JsonConverter] attribute on the model and instead specify it when deserializing (or on JsonSerializerSettings).

public class Book 

// Add JsonPathObjectConverter to the collection of converters used
var book = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Book>(json, new JsonPathObjectConverter())

Serializing book back to JSON again will then result in this:

    "price": 10.0,
    "author": "James S. A. Corey",
    "firstRelatedTitle": "Caliban's War",
    "relatedTitles": [
        "Caliban's War", 
        "Abaddon's Gate", 
        "Cibola Burn", 
        "Nemesis Games", 
        "Babylon's Ashes", 
        "Persepolis Rising", 
        "Tiamat's Wrath"

Supported Features

  • [JsonConverter]

    • Supported on both regular properties and combined with [JsonPath].
  • [DefaultValue]

    • Supported on both regular properties and combined with [JsonPath].
  • [JsonIgnore]

    • Only supported on regular properties, not supported combined with [JsonPath].
  • [JsonProperty] features supported when combined with [JsonPath]:

    • ItemConverterType
    • NullValueHandling
    • DefaultValueHandling
    • NamingStrategyType
    • MissingMemberHandling
    • ReferenceLoopHandling
    • ObjectCreationHandling
    • TypeNameHandling
    • Required